Hungarian restaurants that fell prey to COVID – PHOTOS

Numerous Budapest restaurants had to close down for good due to COVID-19 and its disadvantageous consequences. In this article, you will find some of the most famous restaurants that no longer feed hungry guests.

Tamás Flesch, the head of HHRA (Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association), finds it sorrowful that many popular restaurants had to close their doors in the past few days in Budapest, reports InfoStart. However, he does not fear the mass closure of high-quality restaurants. We wrote about Olimpia, Kárpátia, and Csalogány26 in the past. Now, here are some other dining venues and the reason they had to close since the pandemic reached Hungary.

1. Kádár étkezde (Kádár canteen)

kádár canteen
Kádár canteen, source:

As Index reported in April 2020, Kádár étkezde closed not just due to the COVID situation as it was also up for sale. With its red-and-white checkered tablecloths, soda bottles on the tables, and homemade flavours, Kádár canteen was a favourite for more than 60 years. Over the decades, many artists, athletes, politicians, and media workers visited the place.

2. Soul Food

soul food fast food restaurant
Soul Food, source:

The place was famous for its home-style, fresh, and affordable exotic food. It was a fast-food restaurant with “spicy, exciting one-dish meals, soups, hamburgers, freshly roasted ribs, chicken wings, desserts,” according to their Facebook page (still available). At the end of April 2020, they posted a picture on their Facebook page, captioning it with “We are closed, again. Wish you the best, guys. Hope to see you once again. ✌️

3. AUM Restaurant

aum restaurant
AUM Restaurant, source:

The Óbuda restaurant opened its second unit in the inner city at the beginning of March 2020. Both places aimed for an authentic Asian feel. Dániel Varga, the chef of both units, spent years in Thailand and has a passion for Asian flavours, while he also incorporates local ingredients and nostalgic home cooking in his dishes. When the second unit opened, wrote an in-depth article about the restaurant. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic situation, both units have been closed and will continue to remain so indefinitely.

4. Le Poulet

le poulet restaurant
Le Poulet, source:

As their official description said, they were a restaurant that served “Fresh, Hungarian premium grilled chicken based on French rôtisserie. Guaranteed quality, recommended by a French chef. Everything that is chicken.” Unfortunately, COVID and the restrictions did not spare them either. Their once-guests still hope they will reopen somewhere sometime in the future.

Source: InfoStart,

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