Secret gender affirmation surgeries performed in Hungary

The police department of Bács-Kiskun County wrote about a strange arrest concerning two local surgeons who carried out gender affirmation surgeries in secret in the hospital of Kiskunhalas.

Secret gender affirmation surgeries in Kiskunhalas

According to, officers arrested and took into custody two doctors in Kiskunhalas who performed gender affirmation surgeries after work in the local hospital for money. The officers arrested the two medics in a private practice and the hospital of the Central Hungarian town. Police said the two doctors performed gender affirmation surgeries, treatments and other medical analyses for HUF 600,000 – 1 million (EUR 1,470 – 2,450).

They did the needed examinations in private practice but performed the surgeries and the relevant treatments in the local hospital after work. They have been using the infrastructure and equipment of the hospital for surgeries since 2022. Furthermore, they did the surgeries in the framework of publicly funded healthcare services. Moreover, after the surgeries, the patients received treatment in the hospital.

Doctors remain in custody

Police officers searched their homes, the hospital and the private practice and obtained medical and financial documents. They were both taken to the local police department and questioned as suspects in the issue. Afterwards, they were taken into custody, and the police asked for their pre-trial detention, which the court permitted.

The Hungarian LGBTQ+ community expressed its concern over the arrest as the two doctors are well-known and respected in the community.

Here is a video about their arrest:

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One comment

  1. “Gender” “affirmation”? No, it’s mutilation.

    Now, if grown adults, of a sound mind (which is questionable in the very extreme in such cases!), want to mutilate themselves and are willing to pay for it, okay. But not one thin cent for it must come from the taxpayers.

    If these were children, then, since Hungary has no death penalty, these “doctors” need to be thrown in the slammer for the rest of their natural lives.

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