Shame: Hungary has the strongest antisemitism in Europe
Bad news came out about Poland and Hungary’s antisemite sentiments. According to a recent survey of ten European countries, more than a third of the population in Hungary and Poland hold explicitly anti-Jewish views.
According to a survey by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in ten European countries, a significant percentage of the population agrees with certain anti-Semitic views and stereotypes, The Jerusalem Post reports. The ADL poll ran from November last year to January this year. It covered Belgium, the UK, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Russia, Spain and Ukraine, writes.
The questions that helped determine the populations’ antisemitism
The questions covered eleven commonly held anti-Jewish views, such as the following:
- Jews have too much power in business.
- Jews are the cause of most wars in the world.
- Jews are more loyal to Israel than to their homeland.
Respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement with statements such as the above. If someone agreed to some extent with at least six of the 11 statements, they were classified as holding antisemitic views.
According to the survey, 37 percent of the population in Hungary hold anti-Semitic views.
What about the rest of the countries examined?
This figure is 35 percent in Poland, 29 percent in Ukraine, 26 percent in Russia and Spain. It is 24 percent in Belgium, 17 percent in France, 12 percent in Germany and 10 percent in the UK. According to the ADL, the Netherlands has the lowest level of antisemitism at just 8 percent.
The survey data show that while the proportion of people who hold antisemitic views is relatively high in Poland and Ukraine, around one third, the situation has improved since the last survey in 2019. Antisemitism fell from 48 to 35 percent in Poland and from 46 to 29 percent in Ukraine. In Hungary, antisemitism has fallen by a smaller amount, from 42 to 37 percent. Thus, the five-percent drop has seen Hungary jump to the top.
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Considering that the Hungarians are gypsies it is quit surprising.
The poll is unbelievable. The pollster probably interviewed the few radical Muslims visiting the country. Jewish people are the safest in Hungary. All the pollsters had to do is ask the Jewish communities. Hungary not only looks after her Jewish population but also friends and great supporters of Israel.
I blame Soros!
numbers change but there is a most important poll which says that most of western leftists globalists are Rusophobic.
@Morfo – Russians are lovely, cuddly and misunderstood?
Explains the seismic shift of the position of Sweden and Finland – as well as Poland (you know – our former BFFs) …
Elaboration – Putin’s Russia … If Russians would understand the underlying facts – probably a very different story!
@Cigány ország
Hungarians and Roma are distinct ethnicities, both genetically and culturally. But you knew that already.
Take those tired old tropes back to Romania.
Yet it is neither in Poland nor in Hungary where Jews are beaten up regularly or killed.
It is not in Poland and not Hungary where the media is unabashedly anti Israel and pro-Jihadi, whereas universities have been converted into social justice movements for a people, the Palestinians, who don’t even exist.
These persistent affronts to humanity, the attacks against Jews, physical, cultural, and political, happen in Western Europe governed by the EU, and in the land where the ADL has its offices, from where the Obama-appointed leader of the ADL issues proclamations directed by George Soros and the global leftwing press in his pockets. and
Not only did Obama insert his operative into the nation’s Jewish organizations created to fight antisemitism, but also in the nation’s Holocaust Museum on Washington DC’s Mall. See my article referenced below that documents these assaults of World Jewry. Soros and Obama also inserted their operatives into the nation’s bureaucracies that created the Trump-Russia Hoax, the two impeachment hoaxes, the January 6th Commission Hoax, the Mueller Probe Hoax and the rest. They are the same folk who created the Biden “win” of 2020 where Joe Biden “won” by 18 million more votes than there were voters. The same people who tell the world the 2020 election was the most perfect and honest in American history; the same people who tell us the in Hungary and Poland the conservative winners “stole” and rigged their respective elections. They are the same folk who were against BREXIT and Hungarian sovereignty and self rule.
It is not in Poland and not in Hungary where public displays of antisemitism and regular calls for BDS to economically crush the Jewish state and its people are on public display. In fact in both countries it is illegal to do so.
Where antiJew hatred can be displayed publicly and is not denounced by the nation’s leader is in Obama’s and the Obama-appointed leader of the ADL’s nation. Yet in that nation daily accusations of “structural racism” are common. It is the nation where racism against blacks, Islamophobia, or the sexual variety against LGBTQ are condemned.
As it were, they are America’s minorities who can freely spout racism against whites, heterosexuals who do not want their children indoctrinated in kindergartens, where minorities can beat on Jews, whites and Asians in the streets and in the city’s subways, where Jewish students at America’s universities fear identifying themselves as Jews.
Who are those who commit these crimes against Jews in America and other parts of the world?
George Soros,’ Obama’s and Biden’s minions – that’s who!
In other words, the nation’s mainstream Jewish organizations tasked with protecting Jewish interests are working for a Muslim Obama whose entire tenure was to make sure that there will be a field of dead Jews from the Jordan to the Med; and for George Soros who is funding almost every anti-Israeli NGO on the planet. Yes, Obama had two Muslim fathers and a mom who converted to Islam.
Obama trafficked in anti-Semitic tropes — media didn’t notice.
Obama’s final attack on Israel and the Jewish people.
I had documented these and more in:
The ADL and the reports on antisemitism are a Soros-Obama Operation to cover up these people’s own sick hatred of everything Jewish and Israeli.