Soros’s message: Hungarians can outvote an autocrat in 2022 – VIDEO

The Hungarian-born philanthropist and businessman called a stock exchange speculator by many sent a message to the Hungarians before the 2022 general elections. PM Orbán’s government has been fearmongering for half a decade. Having written that, the content of Soros’s message is not a surprise.
PM Orbán says he conspires to settle migrants in Hungary and Europe because his aim is an open society where traditions, nations and religions fade away. The Hungarian government declared they would contend that program, Soros and his allies.
Meanwhile, almost everybody knows in Hungary that George Soros was one of the biggest supporters of the Fidesz in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Based on the gossip, he bought the first photocopier for the party and helped officials of Fidesz with scholarships. Viktor Orbán, for example, could spend some months in Oxford by winning one of those grants before the 1990 general elections.
This positive and later neutral attitude changed after the migration crisis in 2015. Since then, the government has launched even a billboard campaign against Soros. They claimed on the posters that the billionaire wants to help migrants come and settle in Hungary.
Billboard campaign initiated by Government against the so-called Soros-plan, i.e. helping migrants to come and settle down in Europe.
Soros shared his thoughts for the new year on 31 January, focusing on how China threatens open societies in the world. He said that China was the most potent authoritarian power in the world. He added that Beijing would do just like Hitler in 1936: Xi Jinping will use the winter Olympics to spread propaganda.
He highlighted that Hungary’s voters – against all odds – may turn an authoritarian ruler out of power. He said that together with the new German Government, the French elections in April and Putin’s decision about Europe would determine the fate of Europe.
Afterwards, Soros talked about China and the possible outcomes of the following party congress, during which Xi Jinping can be elected as party general secretary for a third term. As CNN reported, Soros highlighted that China faced economic problems. That is because its real estate boom ended in a bang last year.
“Soros has in recent years emerged as a prominent critic of Xi and China’s ruling Communist Party. The legendary investor and chair of the Open Society Foundations said in September that asset manager BlackRock was making a “tragic mistake” by doing more business in China. He has criticized Beijing over its surveillance policies and a crackdown on private business.” – CNN reported.
IMF’s prognosis is about a 4.8 pc economic growth in 2022 for China which is a dramatically low rate in the case of the Asian country.
Source: DNN, DNH, Youtube
Message to Gyorgy Soros No one in Hungary misses you, GO AWAY, FAR, FAR AWAY, Your father Satan is calling you home. You are the 3nd most evil man on the planet. Bill Gates is Number 1 and Dr Anthony Fauci is number 2.
Hungarians are happy with the current government and will return it for another term.
Orbán/Soros: two sides of the same coin. Both men always pursued two things only: their own power, their own wealth ( at the expenses of the others )
Thanks to George – crimes under $1000 are no longer a crime in many US cities.
Ax murders are still frowned but depends on the color of you skin. 90% of violent crime is committed by 6% of the population and the US with Soros money is looking for a equal system. If the majority of prisoners are one race- that needs to be equaled out- Asians do 1% – Hispanic 6% – white euros- 3%. The country has over 10,000 dead by 6% of the young black males. Cops killed 4 unarmed blacks and the country went nuts. With Sorus help a call to defund the police in many parts of the country and crime has exploded by the very same people.
Wait. The Government used public money for an anti-Soros campaign? That’s pretty insane, by any standards. Not a great use of public funds.
Mario, the troll from Langley Virginia still hiding in his cubicle at the CIA still trolling this site and any site that has not yet banned him. Mario, please go away and get a life. You are not in Hungary have likely never been here in Hungary and could care less about the people of Hungay.
I fell asleep listening to the droning b,s, of this terrible person!
I agree with Mario, which is rare that I would agree with him, of how Soros and Orban are both in it for the power.
I don’t really have any empathy for Soros, except for him surviving the Holocaust. That was a really awful of what he had to go through. However, he got rich by cheating the system.
Lets get a couple of things straight right now.
1. Soros is a disgusting criminal who pays millions of dollars to even more disgusting liberal leftist groups to undermine the USA and others and that is not all. Who is he doing this for? Certainly not for the average citizen. He is a puppet of the Chinese. A serious and disgusting traitor ad using public money to destroy him is a really good use of taxpayers money.
2. When I look at the leaders of most of the western countries I see only one who has steadfastly supported his people and that is Viktor Orban. He is not perfect and nor could he be in light of the complexity of governing. He is however totally allowed to make a profit from his efforts as should we all. That is fine by me and if you think he does this only for power and money then you do not know the man.
3. If you liberal low life scum think you are going to win I got news for you. NOT in a million years because Hungarians are not stupid and they can see what a bunch of totally disgusting fools you on the coalition of the loser left are. The second you get power which will not happen you would self destruct and take Hungary into a nightmare.
I am so sick of idiots saying Hungary is not a good place. It is so much better than most other countries that there is no comparison and I have lived and worked on 5 continents. So please just STFU with all your liberal bullshit! Message for the young. Grow the F up and get to work and stop your whining and complaining. These socialist idiots are not your friends. Wake the F UP!
Chris Kokai…BEST comment of this thread, I totally agree.
Grow up people there is no free ride. All rides come with a price. What price is our future worth? The left are not our friends, they are in it to install their warped vision for the future of all humanity. I do not like the picture they paint. What about you? What do you say?