St. Anne’s Day in Palóc folk costumes – PHOTOS

At the weekend participants dressed in Palóc folk costumes on St. Anne’s Day (on July 26, 2020 ) in Balassagyarmat, Hungary.

They live in about half a hundred settlements, their largest cities are Ipolyság, Rimaszombat, Tornalja, Fülek, Balassagyarmat, Eger, Miskolc, Gyöngyös, Salgótarján, Szécsény.

The Palóc are ethnic Hungarians, but they have retained distinctive traditions, including a very apparent dialect of Hungarian.

Palóc folk costumes
Balassagyarmat, Hungary. St. Anne’s Day in Palóc folk costumes. Photo: MTI
Palóc folk costumes
Balassagyarmat, Hungary. St. Anne’s Day in Palóc folk costumes. Photo: MTI

The origin of the Palóc has already covered many ethnographers and historians, however, there are still many white spots regarding the origin of the ethnic group: the Palóc seem to have some sort of connections with the Khazar, Kabar, Pechenegs and Cuman tribes.

The most famous Palóc settlement is village of Hollókő, which was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987.

Palóc folk costumes
Balassagyarmat, Hungary. St. Anne’s Day in Palóc folk costumes. Photo: MTI
Palóc folk costumes
Balassagyarmat, Hungary. St. Anne’s Day in Palóc folk costumes. Photo: MTI
Palóc folk costumes
Balassagyarmat, Hungary. St. Anne’s Day in Palóc folk costumes. Photo: MTI
Palóc folk costumes
Balassagyarmat, Hungary. Photo: MTI
St Anna Day
Balassagyarmat, Hungary. Photo: MTI
Read alsoTake a step back in time: let’s discover the best Hungarian folk costumes- past and present photography!

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