State of emergency again in Hungary!

Parliament session starts today and there is a proposal saying that the state of emergency in Hungary should be prolonged by an additional 180 days.

According to, the government would like to prolongue the state of emergency in Hungary for an additional 180 days. That is because of the ongoing was in Ukraine and the humanitarian catastrophe it causes in the region. Tens of thousands of refugees come to Hungary on a daily basis, but most of them do not remain here. Instead, they go farther to the West.

Opposition proposes amendment to protect gay people from hate speech

Parliament’s “For a Diverse Hungary” group of opposition MPs is preparing to submit its first amendment to ensure protection to LGBTQ people, Momentum MP David Bedo told a press conference on Tuesday, MTI wrote. The opposition group was formed by five parties with the aim of “amplifying the voice” of Hungary’s gay community “in and outside of parliament”, Bedo said.

Laszlo Sebian-Petrovszki, a deputy of the Democratic Coalition, quoted journalist András Bencsik, “one of the oldest opinion leaders of Fidesz”, as recently making fun of homosexuals facing execution in Uganda. The ruling party has not distanced itself from Bencsik’s remarks, which “leads us to think that what he said is in line with Fidesz’s position”, he said.

Sebian-Petrovszki also slammed the civil code for not including gay people among groups protected against hate speech, and said the opposition bill, to be submitted later on Tuesday, would add minorities based on sexual identity or orientation. If the amendment is passed, LGBTI people could go to court when confronted by hate speech, he added. “In the past all actions against minorities started with hate speech, leading to a curbing of their rights and then to physical violence,” Sebian-Petrovszki said, adding that “that trend must be interrupted”.


  1. Hungary truly lives in a dictatorship that has now been ruling outside of parliament for over two years. In Germany the Enabling Act of 1933 Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich (lit. ’Law to Remedy the Distress of People and Reich’),was a law that gave the German Cabinet – most importantly, the Chancellor – the powers to make and enforce laws without the involvement of the Reichstag or Weimar President Paul von Hindenburg, leading to the rise of Nazi Germany. Critically, the Enabling Act allowed the Chancellor to bypass the system of checks and balances in the government. (Wikipedia). History repeats itself.

  2. Our beloved cuddly Teddy PM continues to rule the roost all by himself. Isn’t democracy just wondeful?

    Do we really need a Government when we have a PM who is totally in charge of running (down) this country (and not one of his appointees dares to oppose him)? Sad 🙁

  3. Parliament is such a drag! For all the … uh … convenience of our Politicians being able to rule by decree, they don’t appear to be performing any better bypassing Parliament and being “quicker and more efficient”.

    Our economic and other statistics are significantly lower compared to other EU countries, however the Politicians still see it fit to not take ownership and blame everyone and everything for not delivering for the people.


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