Elephants dabbled on the shore of Lake Balaton

This happens once in a year in Balatonlelle, where elephants are bathing in every July. 

The elephants were marching in Balatonlelle. The animals walked along the busy road clinging to each other’s tails. A huge crowd waited for them on the beach.

Elephants of the Hungarian National Circus

The elephants were obviously enjoying the bath. The animals did not enter Lake Balaton this year, but were sprinkled with fire-extinguishers on the sandy beach. The Hungarian National Circus has one male and four female elephants, 30 to 35 years old, so they are middle-aged. They can be seen in the Circus frequently.


“They enter with Rene Casselly Jr., who presents acrobatic stunts on their backs. So he’s somersaulting on their backs from one to another, or they show a triple flip from a springboard. One elephant stamps and he gets to the other’s back,” said József Richter, Director of the Hungarian National Circus for Hír TV.

Visitors could also sit on the elephants’ back.

“First scary, but then very good. Being up in there, I suddenly felt safe. I was really enjoying it,” said Orsolya Nagy-Pál, who herself tried the “elephant-riding”.

Eventually they rewarded the multi-ton animals with fruit plates.

Photo: MTI

Photo: MTI

Ce: bm

Source: hirtv.hu

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