Government: Hungary prepared to evacuate all its citizens from Afghanistan!

Hungary will bring all its citizens home safely from Afghanistan, a foreign ministry official said on Tuesday.
Hungarians in Afghanistan are reaching out to the Hungarian authorities about returning home every hour, state secretary Levente Magyar told public media, but could not specify how many people would be evacuated in total. The government will do everything it can to get all Hungarians home safely, he added.
One larger group of 26 people is expected to be flown home by one of Hungary’s military allies,
Magyar said. However, if this plan were to fall through for some reason, Hungary will be able to bring them home too, he added.
Magyar said the crisis in Afghanistan was approaching its denouement, which he said had been caused by the United States announcing the withdrawal of its troops from the country without any prior meaningful consultations with its allies.
The withdrawal was carried out, “paving the way for an overwhelming offensive by the Taliban, which has now allowed them to take control of the entire country”,
he added.
Because of this, there is now a threat that Europe could see a repeat of 2015 when it was “overrun” by millions of migrants from the Middle East, the state secretary said.
Magyar said the current situation indicated that the West “hasn’t learned anything”,
and after Libya, Iraq and Syria, it will leave behind “ruin, hundreds of thousands of casualties, political chaos, a reign of terror by extremists and millions of emigrants in Afghanistan, too”.
The Hungarian government, however, will not let the Hungarian people be made to “pay the price for the dilettantism of the superpowers”,
Magyar said. Hungary therefore refuses to take in the wave of migrants that will be fleeing the chaos in Afghanistan, the state secretary added.
Source: MTI
Sleepy useless Joe Biden is solely responsible for this mess , which unfortunately we in Europe will suffer the consequences from mass migration & added terror risk. Whilst the Yanks wash their hands of the problems they created. Well done you yankie idiots
Joe Biden followed through on a policy made by Donald Trump. It was he who promised, after communication with the Taliban, that the armed forces would be out by 1 May. It has now become shockingly apparent that the Afghan military were not prepared to fight for their country, even after being trained by the Americans and British. The outcome would always have been the same, although no one was prepared for the speed in which the Taliban entered Kabul. I only hope that those foreign nationals still there are able to be extracted safely.
Sleepy Joe can blame Trump all he wants, but he has been in power for 8 months! Truth is Sleepy Joe cancelled all of Trumps policies within the first few days of him taking power. Sleepy Joe also said the bick stops with him and that he and VP Harris made the decision to pull out of Afghanistan. Don’t be so effing naive and blind to blame Trump for Joe’s blunder. It is his doing and now the U.S. under Sleepy Joe’s watch looks impotent.
It is indeed a sad state of affairs.
Anonymous, a quote from Sleepy Joe. “Look, before I made this decision, I met with all our allies, our NATO allies in Europe. They agreed. We should be getting out,” said Biden. Don’t read anything about Trump there, do you?
The White House did not immediately respond