Vona: Jobbik to address ‘Hungary’s real problems’
Jobbik wants to deal with real problems by wiping out corruption, restoring democracy, boosting wages and ensuring the country’s security, Gábor Vona, the party’s leader said on Thursday.
“We are the strongest opposition party; we can replace Fidesz,” Vona told a public forum in Makó, in southern Hungary, in which the party’s local politicians attended alongside István Rója of the Socialist-Párbeszéd alliance who is contesting the Hódmezővásárhely-Makó constituency in the April 8 general election.
Vona asked the audience of about one hundred people to vote for Jobbik’s candidate Attila Kiss. “A vote for any other is a waste.”
Jobbik, he said, did not want to join forces with any party that had been involved in “the last 28 years of ruination”.
He added that after the election, however, Jobbik would be willing to negotiate with the green LMP party.
featured image: MTI
Source: MTI