You can travel to these countries if you got the Chinese or Russian jab

We received several comments from our readers that they got vaccinated abroad but do not have an immunity card yet, so they cannot enjoy today’s Hungarian grand reopening. For them, the European “green card” will probably be the solution. But how will those be able to travel who received an Eastern jab (Chinses, Russian), which is not yet approved by the EMA?
According to, the Hungarian foreign ministry is currently in talks with many countries about the mutual acceptance of the Eastern vaccines. These states include Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Israel, and some Persian Gulf countries.
PM Viktor Orbán assured everybody on Friday in the Kossuth Rádió interview that even those who receive the Chinese or the Russian vaccine would be able to travel abroad in the summer. That is important because the European Parliament decided on Thursday that
only those would automatically receive an immunity card who received a jab approved by the European Medicine Agency (EMA).
PM Orbán declared that first, they started negotiations regarding the Eastern vaccines with the neighbouring countries to accept each other’s “green card”.
Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó announced on Thursday that Hungary signed agreements with Serbia and Montenegro, while today, he said that the list expanded with Bahrein and Slovenia. Therefore, those who have a Hungarian immunity card, regardless of whether they got Pfizer, Sputnik, or Sinopharm,
can travel to these four countries without any restrictions.
He said that talks are still underway with Croatia, Slovakia, Greece, Israel, and states in the Persian Gulf, which started to use the Chinses vaccines earlier than Hungary. Thus, he hopes that he will be able to announce further agreements next week.
- Crossing the Hungarian border is restriction-free with immunity certificate!
- It’s official! Hungary’s great reopening starts today
Furthermore, on Thursday, a new decree was published in the Hungarian Gazette (Magyar Kölöny) saying that all Hungarian citizens with an immunity card can return to Hungary without being put into quarantine.
Italy, Spain, and France plan to allow everybody holding an immunity certificate to enter the country.
In the case of Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, and Croatia, it does not matter which vaccine you got
if you are fully vaccinated and you can prove that there is no obstacle to enter.
However, in Poland, only those escape the quarantine who were vaccinated with a jab approved by the EMA. Interestingly, to Mexico, Zanzibar, and the Dominican Republic, everybody is free to travel.
Hungary – through it’s “go it alone” attitude, continueously “rocking the boat” not playing by the European Union Laws & Conditions – approving the use of vaccines produced by Russia and China – that have not been approved by the EMA – places grave questions on the validity and acceptance of Immunity Cards issued by the Hungarian Government.
The European Union know, they approve travel by people, within the European block of countries, that have been Immunized by the Russian and Chinese vaccines, that America will be aggressive in its retaliation.
President J.R. Biden, continues to let it be known, his position, what he see’s is the need of the European Union, to Repair its “fallen bridges” and “splintering” that is not the way forward for the European Union nor under his “personal” ideas and political philosophies, not just for Europe but for the future of Democracy throughout the World.
America is a “massive” stumbling block and it “challenges” the European Union and the decision of the acceptance and acknowledgement of the Russian & Chines vaccine or not approving it, will unfold to make fascinating following and reading.
Sometimes Hungary has to go against the EU
One Example was the Economic Migration.
After thousands of undocumented Economic Migrants walked into Hungary including Terrorists.
Hungary built a Fence and set up patrols.
Some of the Bigger Countries wanted Migrants, but Hungary does not.
With the Vaccine, Hungary has managed to Vaccinate more people than many other countries.
Frank, in agreement overall in your comments.
Prime Minister – Victor Orban and our Government, have displayed to the European Union results that we have achieved as a country by control of Migration numbers, it’s Economic return, to a country, that avoids impact or a drain on it’s bottom line.
Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, made the fatal error of judgement and decision in recent years, opening the flood gates on “humanitarian” grounds and for on-going continual economic development – income from employment through taxes that come through migration, into the German economy, and through Wrongness of this decision, caused chaos and anger widening of division in German politics.
Merkel, from this decision, still it “haunts her” has never recovered, the power base she held in German politics prior to this WRONG decision of migration.
Merkel, was bittern deeply on her rump – Rightfully.
The European Union through Victor Orban has been has been embarrassed by having numerous aspects of it’s – Functionality of Purpose – challenged, opened up and displayed to other member countries of the European Union including Europe and the Wider World, that highlights its FAILINGS.
It could be argued that the European Union best find the “mother” of ALL vaccines, to Immunize it-self – especially, the faceless members – inclusive of the interfering bureaucrats – to rid itself of the infestation of disease, viruses, and, possible, in the “party” set of Brussels, other medical “blistering” conditions, cleansing it-self and Start again or Disappear.
It annoys – that the United States of America – the great “invaders” – see what the cost of their Afghanistan “invasion” has cost the American people – mind -boggling, and again, poking there noses into the European Union, playing the American “bigger than though” or the “savers” of the free world role, that just makes them – on-going – the country than is infested in there DNA’s – with Hypocrisy.
Problem – for “our man” – Victor Orban, if the European Union don’t approve the Russian & Chinese vaccines as part of the Immunization EU Card ?
America – does not want them approved simple the – No Love – relationships of Russia and China – the American factual position.
Then, if the European Union – “turn the lights on” – and agree – without its Medical Board of Approval – and permits acknowledges ALL vaccines, the “Uncle Sam” – what will be there Re-action ?
America – worn out record, clean your own house up before sticking your nose, into others “affairs”.
America post World War 11 – it’s “invasions” or diplomatic input, attempting to make the world a safer place, my marking would be 4 out of 10 and that’s being gracious.
Victor Orban – the challenges still ahead of us in Hungary, but we “soldier on” that places us at “the beginning of the end” of this “the worst human disaster of this century” – Merkel correct with that quote, is to have UNIVERSALLY approved the vaccines used for IMMUNIZATION on the Hungarian citizens and that vaccine(s) used are recorded on our Immunized Citizens Card.
Victor Orban – respectfully “the junk yard dog” – his rightful approach to waking European Union members up, he is the man for this time – it’s Challenges and the future of Hungary.
Personally – my hope and prayer, that I can be Immunized ASAP – situations “loosened” allowing Residence Card Holders – my status – to be Immunized,
and that the country of by birth, my 18 months annual visits to family, that I can without MASS Complications – bus it from District V out to Franz Liszt, fly off to the land “down under” stay the normal (2) two weeks then fly back to my hose in Budapest.
I wish this for ALL.
Hopefully – the Hungarian Immunized Citizen Card – gets universally – Accepted – that travel throughout Europe, reverts to the past arrangements by presenting your Hungarian Immunization Card – Hopefully.
What a time in the History of Hungary to be its – Prime Minister – the “glory” or as some right the “Kingship” that Victor Orban should be crowed and afforded – leading us through this “worst human disaster of the past century”.