It costs 160,000 Euros to restore the Hungarian thermal lake that completely disappeared

As Daily News Hungary also reported in May, the water completely disappeared from the Zalakaros thermal lake one morning. The repair cost has recently been estimated, and it is not cheap. If everything goes according to plan, it will cost HUF 50 million to restore the lake to its original state, Népszava reports.

The official investigation now states that that the drainage channel below the lake got damaged, and that caused the whole catastrophe.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”green” newwindow=”yes”] That’s weird! Hungarian thermal lake disappears![/button]

Due to the damaged drainage, a huge pit formed under the bed of the lake, and it caused the foil under the lake to rip, and then the lake’s water slowly escaped through that whole.

Tens of thousands of cubic metres of water disappeared within a few hours. It all happened extremely fast.

Népszava writes that it will cost HUF 50 million to restore the lake’s original state.

Zalakaros thermal lake is an artificial lake which was built four years ago. The original construction of the lake was not cheap either; it cost HUF 429 million.

According to the mayor of Zalakaros, Ferenc Novák, replacing the damaged pipes themselves would not take that long, but all kinds of permits need to be obtained again, and that is what slows the process down. The lake can be filled up only after the drainage is fully repaired, and all of the damaged pipes are replaced.

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Lowest water level recorded at several points on Danube! – Photo gallery[/button]

Changing the pipes would be the responsibility of the thermal bath, but supposedly there is another party responsible for the leakage which has been notified to cover at least parts of the expenses. Unfortunately, this person is not willing to pay anything, so further legal actions need to be made.

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