5G has arrived to Hungary!

As reported by 24.hu, the service is currently only available for Vodafone customers in Budapest’s inner districts and along the Danube.

On Thursday evening Vodafone launched its 5G network in Hungary, making it the first mobile company to offer such service in the country. Currently it is the only company which has the capacity to offer 5G.

However, it is only available for certain mobile devices and coverage is limited to the inner districts of Budapest and areas along the Danube. Vodafone does offer mobile phones compatible with 5G, including the LG V50 and the Huawei Mate 20 X.

Szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu write that the service theoretically enables download speeds of over 1.4 gigabytes per second, with latency reduced to below 10 milliseconds.

vodafone 5g
Photo: MTI/Máthé Zoltán

Since they connect over 600 million people, businesses and organisations, Vodafone’s chief executive in Hungary Amanda Nelson believes that it is her company’s duty to offer technology for the betterment of society. She has also affirmed that the 5G network is only possible thanks to partnerships with phone companies, scientists, innovators and policy makers.

Vodafone want to expand their infrastructure to offer their new service in other parts of Budapest as well. It is hoped that more mobile devices that are compatible with the 5G network will be available for purchase.

We reported that Hungary’s first smart city is set to be created in the City Park. The government also hopes that Hungary will become a centre for technological innovation.

Featured image: MTI/Zoltán Máthé.


  1. Please leave it in Budapest and don’t bring this crap in the rest of Hungary. It’s a huge health risk for humans and animals.

  2. I will stop looking for a house in Hungary to retire. I thought Orban was smart enough to see to the good health of his people. They (Péter Szijjártó, Orban Viktor and more) are probably sold off by BigTech and/or blackmailed in not so appropriate positions with females of young ages). They are now controlled by DeepState/Cabal. Hungary’s people are screwed. The 5G 60khz rays will bring cancer and all kinds of related diseases. And, you former communist Hungarians should know better …. wake up! You will welcome COMMUNISM (total fascist control worse than China). Hungarian people defend yourself!

    Nem veszek házat Magyarországon (nyugdíj). Orbán bebizonyította, hogy le szarja a népét.Őket (Szijjártó Pétert, Orbán Viktort és még sok mást) valószínűleg eladják a BigTech és/vagy zsarolják.Lehet, hogy a képek nem olyan megfelelő helyzetben a fiatal korú nőkkel).Gyanítom, hogy most a DeepState/Cabal irányítja őket.Az 5G 60khz sugarak rákot és mindenféle kapcsolódó betegséget hoznak.És ez egy fegyver (ez mikrohullámú emberek esnek halott, főtt szemek, főtt agy).És nektek, volt kommunista elnyomott magyaroknak jobban kellene tudnátok. Ébresztő!Ön szívesen újra COMMUNISM (teljes fasiszta ellenőrzés rosszabb, mint Kína). A magyar emberek védik magukat!

  3. I will not buy a house in Hungary (retirement). Orban proves to do not give a shit about the health of his people. They (Péter Szijjártó, Orban Viktor and more) are probably sold off by BigTech and/or blackmailed. Maybe photos in not so appropriate positions with females of young ages). I suspect they are now controlled by DeepState/Cabal. Hungary’s people are screwed. The 5G 60khz rays will bring cancer and all kinds of related diseases. And it is a weapon (it can microwave people to fall dead; cooked eyes, cooked brain). And, you former communist oppressed Hungarians should know better …. wake up! You will welcome again COMMUNISM (total fascist control worse than China). Hungarian people defend yourself!

    Nem veszek házat Magyarországon (nyugdíj). Orbán bebizonyította, hogy le szarja a népét.Őket (Szijjártó Pétert, Orbán Viktort és még sok mást) valószínűleg eladják a BigTech és/vagy zsarolják.Lehet, hogy a képek nem olyan megfelelő helyzetben a fiatal korú nőkkel).Gyanítom, hogy most a DeepState/Cabal irányítja őket.Az 5G 60khz sugarak rákot és mindenféle kapcsolódó betegséget hoznak.És ez egy fegyver (ez mikrohullámú emberek esnek halott, főtt szemek, főtt agy).És nektek, volt kommunista elnyomott magyaroknak jobban kellene tudnátok. Ébresztő!Ön szívesen újra COMMUNISM (teljes fasiszta ellenőrzés rosszabb, mint Kína). A magyar emberek védik magukat!

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