A Hungarian Christmas favourite: poppy seed bread pudding (mákos guba)

Christmas is Hungary means lots and lots of good food and drinks. Unfortunately, this year, the unstoppable inflation and skyrocketing prices will make it harder for a lot of people to enjoy the Christmas cuisine like before. But now, we are presenting to you a dessert that is typically Hungarian but also popular in Germany and Poland. Read on to learn the recipe of mákos guba. A dessert that can be described in English as poppy seed bread pudding.


  • 10 slices of bread rolls
  • 1 litre milk
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar
  • 15 tablespoons of ground poppy seeds
  • 7 tablespoons of icing sugar


  1. Cut the bread rolls into 1 cm rings.
  2. Boil the milk with the vanilla sugar.
  3. Pour the boiling milk over the rolls, strain and squeeze out the milk.
  4. Place a layer of buns in a large casserole, sprinkle with ground poppy seeds mixed with icing sugar, add more buns and more poppy seeds, until the ingredients are gone. If there are any poppy seeds left, sprinkle them on top.
  5. If you like, you can put it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 7-8 minutes. They are also delicious when mixed together and baked. If you don’t want to bake them, the poppy seed dumplings are ready to eat anyway.

The Hungarian version of the recipe can be found on Mindmegette’s page.

Source: mindmegette.hu

One comment

  1. LOVE IT.

    Since learning the recipe, it’s always on my Christmas table.

    Looking at the photo, I will try serving it with brandy custard.

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