A real-life Tarantinoesque robbery in Hungary

One was asked to return to Hungary from a Swiss nightclub, one was apprehended while visiting the midwife, and yet another one was paid a visit by the police while in jail. This is the story of a real-life robbery in Hungary, which sounds like it is a film directed by Quentin Tarantino.
After a two-month-long investigation, the Budaörs police have finally closed a robbery case, where an old man was robbed by quite a peculiar criminal trio, writes Police.hu.
An elderly man was robbed on November 15th by a pregnant woman in her seventh month, her mother-in-law, who works as a striptease dancer, and a cook, who is a tattoo artist in his spare time and who was convicted since the robbery. The police had a hard time cracking the case, as the 87-year-old victim’s memory was hazy.
When the victim’s daughter could not enter the father’s house because the door was locked from the inside, she contacted the local police, who eventually found an open window, through which they climbed inside. It was clear from the first glance that they have entered a crime scene:
– the old man was close to losing consciousness; he was probably drugged,
– one of the drawers was forced open, and someone was looking aggressively for something.
It turned out in the hospital that the victim was drugged with a high concentration tranquiliser, sedative and a spasmolytic medicine.
According to the medics, this could have been a lethal dose, and his life was hanging in the balance.
Later, when he was stabilised, he told the police that a woman called her, saying that they know each other from a long time ago, and she wishes to visit him. Shortly, she was at his door, asking him to let her in, which he did. However, creating a diversion for the victim, the woman let her accomplice in. While one of them was occupied with the victim, the other one has poured the drugs into his glass.
Becoming sleepy all of a sudden and blaming the champagne, the victim said goodbye to his guest, and he suddenly lost his consciousness. Some details remain hazy in his memory, including the description of his guest, as he remembers the two women as one:
his guest was a ‘huge, bulky creature’ with floral tattoos.
Before the women left, they had opened a window, through which they climbed back a couple of minutes later with the tattoo artist/cook waiting outside. They took 1 030 000 forints (EUR 3250) and a coin collection worth 300 thousand forints (EUR 950).
Finally, a blue rubber glove found at the crime scene helped the police solve this puzzle:
– it was immediately suspicious because the police use white gloves,
– the DNA found inside the glove matched that of a 35-year-old man from Gyula, which seemed a bit of a stretch, but viable; however, he was in jail for a series of break-ins,
– then it came to light that the cook was doing burglaries all across the country, and even had time to work as a tattoo artist,
– this is when the woman with the floral tattoos comes into the picture:
previously, she drugged and then robbed her casual sex partner, and the details of this case matched several details of the old victim’s
– the police then searched for the woman, at the time working at a Swiss nightclub, and among her contacts, they found her 7.5 months pregnant daughter-in-law, who matched the description of the strongly built woman that the victim mentioned.
During the investigation, it turned out that the daughter-in-law has commissioned a tattoo at the tattoo artist/cook, who is not only an acquaintance of the family but even their business partner. They have debriefed the defendants as well, and the story came together seamlessly.
The plan was devised by the older woman, who knew about the victim’s well-to-do circumstances, so she convinced her daughter-in-law too, but they needed a strong man to pry open the drawer.
The two women are defending at large, while the man is in jail – the police has launched a procedure against all three defendants under the substantiated suspicion of committing a robbery.
Source: police.hu