Another Hungarian thermal spa closes due to high energy prices

The overhead costs are much higher than expected, so the Jászapáti Strandfürdő, which is normally open in winter due to its thermal water, will probably close from October until at least next May.

Kálmán Karkus, the managing director of the Jászapáti Városüzemeltetési Nonprofit Kft. said that “due to the increasing energy prices and overhead costs, the city operation Ltd. has booked much higher costs than planned”, so the owner, in consultation with the Jászapáti City Municipality, in connection with the increased energy prices, decided to “suspend winter operation in order to reduce costs”. He added that “confident in the economic situation and the improvement of the liquidity situation of the Ltd.”, they plan to reopen in May 2023.

The warm thermal spa is usually open with three pools in winter, and last year a new slide system was built with a €200 million investment.

Up to half of Hungary’s spas may close from autumn until the first half of next year, including Hévíz, Harkány and Gyula, said the president of the Hungarian Bathing Association, Zoltán Kántás – details here.

Hungarospa in Hajdúszoboszló immediately announced on its website that, contrary to the press reports, Hungarospa Hajdúszoboszló Zrt. is not planning to close down.

On 2 September, the Hévíz Tourinform Office simply refuted the earlier news on its social media page: “The autumn season has started at the Hévíz Lake Baths, which is open 365 days a year! This year, the autumn season at the Hévíz Lake Baths will start on 5 September, when the opening hours of the baths will change in line with the evening darkness. As in previous years, the Lake Baths will continue to offer the same services for relaxing and recuperating guests. In addition, we will be offering special programmes on several occasions” – read their statement.

In August, it was revealed that the Balatonboglár swimming pool would close due to soaring energy prices, and in September the mayor of Csokonyavisonta announced the closure of the Csokonyavisonta Spa and Beach Baths because the village could not maintain the baths from its revenues.

Read alsoEighteenfold gas price rise: will Budapest’s baths close?


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