Eger in the spotlight at Budapest Wine Festival

The autumn wine season begins once again with the 4 day long Budapest Wine Festival starting on September 5. The event attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year. This year it is the Eger wine region’s turn to take center stage. Besides the regular tasting opportunities the Egri Bor Most initiative offers several events aimed to showcase the Eger wine region.
Wine Academy
The regular presentations and tasting events of the Wine Academy are always centered around a current issue and this year it is the Eger wine region with members of the recently established Egri Borműhely giving presentations. On September 2 in the Mom Kulturális Központ guests can taste 10 wines while learning about the ins and outs of Egri Csillag and Egri Bikavér. The winemakers are also going to introduce the brand new Eger bottle.
Some of the topics to be discussed: geographical and climatic conditions of the region, grape varieties, blending, new challenges and solutions.
Wine Festival
You can also immerse yourself in the wines of Eger and information concerning the wine region during the four days of the Festival. The brochure issued for the Festival contains not only a list of wineries and events but also information on the Eger wine region so it’s a good idea to peruse the pages. The Eger wineries present with their own stands are going to be: Dula Pincészet, Egri Korona Borház, Juhász Testvérek Pincészete, Ostoros and Soltész Családi Pincészet, Petrény Winery, Thummerer Pincészet and Tóth Ferenc Pincészet. A wide variety of wines in different styles awaits the visitors ranging from light, unoaked whites to substantial and agewothy reds.
Another noteworthy initiative is the Pár Borpár (’A Couple of Wine Pairs’ in English) series of tasting events which convey wine knowledge in an interactive way accessible even to beginners. Some of these events take place at the stands of Eger wineries. At the participating stands you can taste two wines for the price of one. The pairs share some similarities but at the same time are different in some significant way i.e. two vintages of the same wine, entry level vs. top-tier, stainless steel elevage vs. oak aged.
The Nébih Wine Quiz Bar is another spot where you can improve your wine knowledge while having fun.
There are countless interesting wine and Eger wine region related puzzles and games awaiting guests. Besides learning valuable facts you are certain to be awarded some gift as well.
It’s always a special occasion when you can listen to winemakers talking about the beginnings of their career, the work done in the vineyard and the cellar, the difficulties of off-vintages, the mastering of blending and their favourite wines. On Friday at 17.00-18.00 at the Savoyai stage you can hear about all this and while doing so enjoy a glass of wine.
Wine charity auction
On September 12 there is a Wine charity auction organized by Budapest Wine Festival and the Maltese Charity Service. Businesses and private people are equally welcome to bid for the auction items donated by the wineries. The money raised during the event will be spent on supporting the Tiszabura clothing factory ran by the Maltese Charity Service. This factory aims to help the most impoverished families to return to the world of work. To support the charity members of the Egri Borműhely have donated a selection of Egri Bikavérs and Egri Csillags that includes several vintages of special, limited items, some of which are in magnum and double magnum formats.
Source: Wineglass Communication