Everything you need to know about Covid restrictions in Hungary starting today
Unfortunately, coronavirus numbers have risen quite sharply over the past few weeks, and in order to combat that, the government has made some decisions that take effect from today.
Recently, Hungary has received the second-worst classification in terms of Covid infection numbers by the European Union. Here are the restrictions you must keep in mind.
Visitor Ban
From November 1st, visiting all hospitals is banned. According to Cecília Müller, it was necessary to impose a ban on visiting inpatient care in order to maintain and ensure the functioning of the healthcare system. This does not include visiting last-stage terminally ill patients.
In social institutions, the leader there decides on a ban on leaving and visiting the institution from 1 November, says Portfolio.
Mandatory Vaccination?
Under the new rules, employers may also require employees of non-state and municipal companies and organisations to be vaccinated. In the absence of vaccination, employers may send employees on unpaid leave.
Origo says that it is important, however, that employers must inform their workers in written form and define a deadline as well as the consequences of failing to be vaccinated.
On Friday, they added that the same goes for the people working at the Hungarian Defence Forces. They have to take the first dose by December 1st, says Telex. The Covid vaccine is also mandatory for people employed by state or municipal institutions. Their deadline is December 15th if they work closely with clients and January 31st if they do not.
Active COVID-19 infections grow to nearly 35,000 in Hungary – latest numbers
Government: those that refuse to get vaccinated can be forced to take unpaid leave
Mask-wearing measures
The latest measures take effect throughout Hungary from today, November 1st. Mask-wearing is mandatory for:
- travellers and workers on public transport.
- those at stations, train stations, and stops, as well as employees if they work in an area where they are in contact with travellers.
Exclusions: Drivers who work in a closed cabin, children under 6 years of age or people with psychosocial disability or autism.
People should wear a mask that completely covers the nose and mouth. Anyone who does not follow the rules can be excluded from public transportation immediately. If they do not leave on request, the company could ask for police assistance.
Gergely Karácsony, the Mayor of Budapest, announced even stricter measures in the capital on his Facebook page. In addition to the above rules,
- it is mandatory to wear a mask inside theatres, cinemas, and libraries.
These are places where the Hungarian capital’s leadership has the legal option of introducing mandatory mask-wearing. The Mayor is also negotiating with the Hungarian government to order the general use of masks indoors due to worsening coronavirus numbers.
‘Szalagavató’ is a special Hungarian event for high school graduates to celebrate that they have finished their studies. It usually also culminates in a ball. As per the current rulings, because it is a special school event, it is not subject to emergency regulations.
But according to Hvg, Minister Miklós Kásler signed a document that says that people (parents, relatives) need to comply with the new regulations, that is, they need to wear masks in enclosed spaces while attending.
Read alsoOfficial gazette: Govt issues decree giving employers power to require Covid jabs
Source: telex.hu, origo.hu, hvg.hu, portfolio.hu
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