Extreme smog in Budapest – Drone Video

According to szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu, the video shot on the 24th of January perfectly demonstrates the extreme amount of smog that has characterised Budapest this week. The Municipality of Budapest believes that the ordained level of alarm and vehicle limitation was reasonable.

The statistics on Tuesday already showed a decrease in the smog level due to the ordainment, but the conditions to abolish the alarm level haven’t been fulfilled yet. According to the data measured on Tuesday, the average concentration of loose dust still exceeded the alarm threshold (100 microgram/cubic metre) in one measurement point (out of ten) in Csepel. Above this rate, even the short term effect of smog poses a danger to human health.

The quality of the air is expected to deteriorate from Friday till Monday, which could even result in a rate above the alarm level. The police supervises the execution of the ordainments limiting vehicle traffic, the violators of the ordainment can expect fines.

Mayor István Tarlós asks everyone to use public transportation in case of destinations in the capital city and to only moderately use of solid and oil-fired appliances. Regarding service providers and producing establishments, he asks for the decrease of dust emission.

Meanwhile, the smog alert has been abolished because the quality of the air bettered. It is still worth watching following video made by Drone Media Studio.

Copy editor: bm


Source: http://www.szeretlekmagyarorszag.hu/

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