Hungarian angler chased by a wild boar – VIDEO
A wild boar has been chasing a Hungarian angler for fifty minutes near Visegrád, reports Index. So far there is no explanation for the incident, only the facts and some guesses.
Yet another wild boar chase took place in Hungary, this time not in Budapest, but in Visegrád. Also, it wasn’t the boar who was chased, but the other way around. The boar approached a fishing man at the Danube bank. At first, it seemed like the animal didn’t even notice him, but then suddenly expressed firm interest in the fisherman.
The boar would not go away, no matter how hard the man tried to scare it away.
The following is a recollection of the incident by the man.
‘When I first took notice of it, it was about 5 metres away from me in the bushes. It headed in my direction, not in a rush, but it seemed to be very determined. I put my rod down and started going through my options: either I jump in the water or run away to the right, but if it wants to, it can cross my way.
But, hey, I have a sandwich!
I took my sandwich and threw it to the left. Then, not even looking up, I turned right and rushed through the bushes.
My guardian angel was on duty, thankfully. I managed to make it out to the clearance without breaking my ankles or without getting attacked. There I found a big log, picked it up and ran to my car.
After I made it to the car, it caught up with me and started chasing the car for 50 minutes. It was rubbing itself to the car, cutting off my way, pushing the car, grunting, and basically, not caring about me trying to chase it away. It accompanied me a long way, almost to Route 11.’
The story ends with the man going back to the bank to get his fishing equipment,
finding the thrown away sandwich, and eating it.
A later update has been added, a reader of Index told the news outlet that they know the boar; its parents were killed and it grew up with a dachshund at the Lepence beach. Its name is Gizi and it is harmless, but very curious. It is actually a girl and has an owner.
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Ce: bm
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