LGBTQ version of Cinderella musical to be presented in Budapest?!
The LGBTQ version of the Cinderella musical will be presented in Budapest in the autumn of 2022. So far, the following details are known about the non-classic version of the widely known children’s story.
The classic Cinderella story is already known to all of us; however, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s new musical, the modern version of Cinderella, adapts an entirely different story. In the LGBTQ version of the musical, Cinderella is a big-mouthed, rebellious character, and the Prince suddenly disappears with another man.
As the Hungarian news portal Origo reports, the new version of the Cinderella story was first tested in London in 2019; however, performances had to be postponed several times due to the pandemic. The musical’s theatrical premiere would have been unveiled last Monday after the closures; however, after several crew members tested positive for the coronavirus, the performances were postponed and are expected to start in London in August.
In the modern version, the protagonists have undergone significant character changes.
Cinderella has become a big-mouthed, strong woman, a real feminist who doesn’t need a man for happiness, while the prince turns out to be actually in love with a man.
Even though this is not a tiny change compared to the original fairy tale, the story terminates with a happy ending. Eventually, Cinderella also finds love on the side of the prince’s brother.
Presumably, the Madách Theater in Budapest will present the LGBTQ musical to the Hungarian audience in the autumn of 2022.
There is no information yet on whether there are plans to set an age limit for the modern version of Cinderella, which is originally a musical for kids.
One of the songs of the LGBTQ-friendly musical promoting otherness has already been performed by the London Gay Men’s Chorus, who celebrated Pride Month with this. The project was presented in a video published by Andrew Lloyd Webber.
The Cinderella story seems to have inspired not only the theatre but also the world of movies. In the new Amazon-sponsored LGBTQ version of Cinderella, the Fairy Godmother will be played by Billy Porter, a black gay man. The Emmy awarded actor has revealed that the movie also intends to promote gender fluency (i.e., the ability to change gender constantly) to children who think they are ready to do so – reported by Origo.
According to Amazon, Porter wanted to rethink the role, taking over the classic character as “novel.” The fairy godmother will be named Fab G., and the role is said to have been written specifically for Porter to fit well with the actor’s style.
As the Christian CBN portal reports, it is pretty ironic that in Hollywood that promotes the equity between men and women, a movie is now being made in which one of the most traditional female roles is played by a man.
It has been revealed that the new Cinderella movie wants to be part of the LGBTQ propaganda. The film will be available on Amazon Prime from September. Cinderella will be played by the singer Camila Cabello, while Idina Menzel will play the evil stepmother.
Read alsoOrbán: Brussels wants Hungary to allow LGBTQ activists in schools, kindergartens
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Let’s wait for the usual suspects to slam this. I imagine it would be a very entertaining musical. I’d watch it.
What an opportunity – opening night free invitation tickets organized for ALL present members of the Hungarian Government and there wives, boyfriends and “whoever” they keep company with – behind close doors – in there Private lives – to attend this musical.
It could be called part on there NEED – for on-going education – keeping them abreast in tune with the World of the 21st century.
They could be even Ushered to there seats by a member of the LGBTQ – Family. That could be INTERESTING ///
Curtain up – turn on the Lights – it’s SHOWTIME.
Will go down like a lead ?
Not if Vitler has anything to say about it. He always makes sure to shut down anything verboten
Nothing special to see here…..Just another freak show…
Anonymous, I thought your comment wasn’t anything special but thanks for clarifying that you’re a freak show as well!
Children under 10 admitted free.
The original story will be banned in
EU schools. Goverment will fund a LGBS version of Romeo and Juliet to Robert and Harry.
Many more to come with an introduction to BLM and CRT training- the EU is so far behind the US- it mandatory in military and other government agencies.
Basicaly it says if you are descendent of white Europeans – you are responsible for the persecution of all blacks and the LGBS communities. The will start at age 5. Families will be eliminated along with genders. Facebook and Twitter will provide a online version for their billions of followers with most being in Europe and available 24 /7. Failure to signup you will be defunded and removed from the platforms.
VIsa and MasterCard will not be available along with banks. This will be a dream come true for the EU.
The other big tech platforms will have similar penalties. Tic Toc will still be available because it is Chinese. Netflix will provide the world with 40% LGBS content with the focus on 8-17 demographic and available in 56 languages and a special deaf version.
Ted, don’t drink the kool-aid!! I know you’re obviously out of it but try and come back to reality. It’s better here, there’s a lot less hate and paranoia.
Breaking News!!!!
The sequel for next year ….The Prince will drop his man for a horse and Cinderella will drop her lover for a cow! True love has no boundaries!
Anonymous, it seems like your psychosis knows no boundaries either!