Putting the government in the media
In August, the most watched news programs was theme of the government’s economic policy measures and the celebration on 20 August, while Roma’s murder trial is not really kicked a ball – was revealed by the media authority quick report. Intresting, The Christian Democratic (KDNP) politicians, the smaller ruling party in the state media appeared more like Jobbik, LMP, the DK or Együtt-PM. Surprising data on hand to Attila Mesterházy twice as long talked about in the news as Viktor Orban.
The government’s economic policy, in commemoration of the 20th August, as well as natural disasters, extreme weather caused most of the damage dealt to the news in August.
The National Media and Communications Authority (NMHH) on Tuesday released preliminary results on the use of media by politicians M1 watch The Evening News politics five percent of the time spent on communication with steering viewers, while Fidesz received 44 percent more time. The Christian Democratic (KDNP) proportion of almost 8 per cent, 17 per cent of the MSZP, Jobbik 5, the LMP 3, DK 4 percent, while the Együtt-PM more than 9 percent of operators during the time has come.
Source: hvg.hu, DailyNewsHungary
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