Relax on the Day of the Hungarian Bath Culture writes that, on the 8th of October, the Day of the Hungarian Bath Culture, the world-famous baths, spas and pools of Hungary will welcome visitors with spectacular installations, exhibitions on bath history, diverse programmes and discounted prices. Get ready for the ultimate relaxation.

The Day of the Hungarian Bath Culture was first organised on the 9th of October, 2010, and since then the Hungarian Baths Association celebrates the day on the second Saturday of October every year. The aim of the event is to present the values of the Hungarian bath culture and the popularisation of the baths, which comes with a number of different thematic programmes each year. This year the events are focused on the 2017 World Aquatics Championships, which will be held in Hungary, so sporty programmes will have a major role at different locations.

On the 8th of October, baths and spas will welcome visitors with spectacular installations that exhibit the historical memories of swimming, the story of Búvár Kund (Zothmund), the beginnings of the Hungarian baths culture and the establishment of the first riverine public baths. You may also learn about the evolvement of the swimming events, the history of Hungarian swimming, the role that Alfréd Hajós played in it, and how the so called “Hungarian style” emerged. Moreover, there’s going to be a separate exhibition about the greatest figures and results of the Hungarian swimming sport.

széchenyi bath 1930

According to the Hungarian Baths Association’s announcement, more baths joined the event than ever, and all of them welcome guests with several programmes, discounted prices and extended opening hours. You can find details about the programmes on the association’s website.


Copy editor: bm


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