Budapest named the European Capital of Sport for 2019 – UPDATE
As reports, the European Capitals and Cities of Sport Federation (ACES) awarded Budapest the European Capital of Sport title in 2019. This is a huge honour to the Hungarian capital which also shows that the following year is going to be oustanding in the history of Budapest.
The title of European Capital of Sport is awarded annually to a city with more than 500,000 inhabitants based on the decision of the ACES. When ACES Europe gives this recognition to a city, they always consider the principles of responsibility and ethics with prominent emphasis on the importance of sport in the everyday life of people, reports This means that they consider how sport helps improve the quality of life and contribute to the psycho-physical well-being of individuals.
The European Capital of Sport title is a great symbol of what sport events we can expect in the following year. Tünde Szabó, Secretary of State for Sport, calls our attention to the fact that the number of sporting events organised in Hungary has also augmented significantly.
While in 2006, 6 sporting events, in 2010, 34 sporting events took place in the country, but this number rose to 113 in 2017. To reach such great improvement in Budapest giving home to international events in recent years is only possible with appropriate sport infrastructure and high standard of tourist services. Furthermore, the stable economic background cannot be missing either.
The City Council invited the 400 most important representatives of the Hungarian sport society, including associations and policymakers as well. At the event organised to celebrate the winning of the presitigious title, the participants discussed the economic and technical opportunities made possible by this award.
It is noticeable that Hungarians are more ready to work out as a consequence of which the amount of money spent on sporting activities also augment together with the GDP. All these have a positive influence on the society by creating employment for Hungarians and contributing to a healthier lifestyle.
Featured image: facebook/ Budapest 2017 FINA Vizes Világbajnokság