According to estimations, around 70-80 thousand people protested against the government’s bill proposing tighter rules for foreign-registered universities, which is targeted at the Central European University (CEU). The news went around the world, several illustrious papers reported on the protest.
Most articles and titles mention György Soros, the Hungarian-born American financer, who’s been supporting NGOs and CEU. He plays a key role in the current happenings, as the government stands against him and attacks organisations funded by him.
Reuters: Massive protest in Hungary against bill that could oust Soros university
According to the report of Reuters, this was one of the biggest protests against the government in the last seven years, where people demonstrated against the closing of one of the best international universities. “The Hungarian premier has often vilified Soros, whose ideals are squarely at odds with Orban’s view that European culture is under an existential threat from migration and multiculturalism.”
Bloomberg: Hungarians stage mass protest over university targeted by Orbán
“Orbán has ignored earlier street protests and criticism from the opposition and a number of Hungary’s European Union and NATO allies, over the law. While the government denies the legislation is targeted at CEU, Orbán regularly blames Hungarian-born Soros, who also funds organizations that seek to promote human rights and government transparency, for trying to undermine him.”
BBC: Large protest in support of Hungary’s Soros-backed university
“Unlike last Sunday’s protest, it was not just students who were out in the street – there were also lots of families, with some middle-aged and some elderly people in the crowd.”
Washington Post: Hungary – Thousands rally in support of Soros-founded school
“Don’t sign it, Jani,” the crowd chanted, using a Hungarian nickname for Áder’s first name. Other chants included “A free country, a free university,” ‘’Orbán get out,” ‘’Viktator!” and “Europe, Europe.”
The Times: 80,000 on march to save Soros university
“The biggest anti-government protest in three years took place in Hungary yesterday against legislation seen as aiming to force the respected Central European University to close or move out of the country.”
The Guardian: Thousands protest in Hungary over threat to Soros university
“The government wants to silence pretty much everyone who doesn’t think the same as them, who thinks freely, who can be liberal, can be leftist,” said Kornel Klopfstein, a protest organiser and PhD student at the University of Bielefeld.
The New York Times: Hungarians protest their leader by the tens of thousands
“What do we want Áder to do? Veto!” the crowd chanted. “Free country, free university!”
Yahoo: ‘Fake news’ another weapon in Orbán’s illiberal Hungary
This article is not necessarily centred around the protest, but gives an insight into the close relationship between the Hungarian government and certain media platforms.
Photo: MTI
Ce: bm