

Government press briefing: Pensioners to receive bonus in November

"The European Union's mandatory migrant quota has failed"

World Day of Older Persons in Hungary

Let's take care of our elders! <3

Hungary’s larger opposition parties call for pension reform

A public minimum #pension in #Hungary, set at a monthly EUR 93, is combined with an earnings-related pension.

Live and Invest Overseas recommends Hungary to pensioners

Budapest is an affordable choice and a beautiful city

Jobbik challenges PM Orbán over pensioner issues

Orbán's cabinet is not interested in the opinion of elderly people, nor does it believe in them - Gábor #Vona (#jobbik)

Survey: The state of pensioners in Hungary is alarming

What do you think?

Jobbik vows to introduce new pension calculation system

The opposition Jobbik party has promised to introduce a new system for calculating and raising pensions if it came to power. Addressing a parliamentary debate on […]

Hungary’s government submits 2018 budget bill to parliament – UPDATE

"The final vote on the bill is expected on June 15"

Economy minister: Value of pensions expected to rise 3 pc next year, in line with inflation

Value of pensions expected to rise 3 pc next year

So far 186,000 avail of “Women 40” early retirement rules

Budapest, January 24 (MTI) – Some 186,000 Hungarian women have participated in a programme dubbed “Women 40”, introduced in 2011, allowing them to retire early, with […]

Free travelling of pensioners costs EUR 58.6 million

A written parliamentary answer shows that the free local and commuter travelling of the pensioners costs HUF 17.7 billion ( EUR 57.6 million) all together, reports […]

Most Hungarians expect having to work in retirement

Budapest, January 10 (MTI) – Fully 69 percent of Hungarians surveyed by K and H Bank said they expected to work after they retire. The report […]

Socialists advocate re-introduction of Swiss index for pensions

Budapest, January 10 (MTI) – The opposition Socialist party has said it wants the government to calculate pension hikes according to the previously used Swiss index […]

Nearly 33,000 Hungarians living abroad get pension from home

Budapest, January 2 (MTI) – Nearly 33,000 Hungarians living abroad, mostly in Germany, get pension or other pension-type benefits sent from Hungary, daily Magyar IdÅ‘k said […]

Socialists: Pensioners won’t be any better off in 2017

Budapest (MTI) – A Socialist lawmaker said on Thursday that pensioners would not be any better off next year because the government planned to slice off […]

Jobbik: Everybody deserves retirement after 40 years of work

Press release – When the issue of women’s retirement after 40 years of employment was debated in Parliament, Fidesz refused to back Jobbik’s motion to extend […]

Leftist DK party sees room for steeper pension increase

Budapest (MTI) – Hungarian pensioners could get a steeper pension increase if the government were to cancel an agreement that finances Ukrainian and Russian pensioners and […]

Orbán: Pensions to rise by 1.6pc in 2017

Budapest, November 29 (MTI) – Pensions will rise by 1.6 percent next year and each pensioner will receive an end-of-year bonus of 10,000 forints in Erzsébet […]

Socialist leader calls for better pension system

Budapest, November 23 (MTI) – Pensioners should feel safe not vulnerable, and they should feel proud not poor, opposition Socialist Party leader Gyula Molnár said on […]

International Day of Older Persons in Hungary

Budapest, October 7 (MTI) – Older persons are often pensioners who are full of vitality and keen to contribute resources not only to their family and […]