Journey of tribute: Zsolt Vadász and the Trabant Expedition’s African adventure

Zsolt Vadász, the leader of the Trabant Expedition, embarked on a journey to Africa in February, planning to stay for several months. The journey was driven by a noble purpose: to honour his late friend with a memorial which was set up in Africa.
The Trabant Expedition
The Friends of Geonauta is a group of friends with nearly 30 years of history dedicated to hiking mountains, exploring volcanoes and pilgrim routes all while actively preserving nature, constructing artificial nests and cleaning up litter.
The Millenium Falcon Team started as a side project in 2013 using a Trabant car as its inspiration. The team aimed to raise awareness about excessive consumerism and the environmental impact of modern technology. They showcased that low-power vehicles can reach any location in the world and illustrated this by driving the Trabant to iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, the Budapest-Bamako rally in Africa, the Arctic in Norway and more. Their journeys can be followed through various platforms, including YouTube, which is accessible HERE.
Throughout its journey, the Trabant Expedition has garnered a strong following of supporters who advocate both environmental conservation and the joy of travel. Noteworthy among these supporters are the Börzsöny Foundation, the Tiszaroff’s Local Government (Tiszaroff is where Zsolt Vadász, the leader of the expedition is from), the Africa Másként Foundation and the Járatlan Utakon Festival.
Trabant Expedition’s current quest
In an interview with Daily News Hungary, Zsolt shared that he met his friend Bendegúz in 2019 in a remote area known as the No Man’s Land. This area lies between Morocco and Mauritania marked by a United Nations monitored zone spanning 17 kilometers. Zsolt described the zone as desolate territory filled with mines, abandoned vehicles, wreckage and stranded individuals.
During an aid mission where Zsolt was escorting two vans in a Trabant, he met Bendegúz for the first time who was driving a Suzuki. Their enduring friendship began that day and continued until Bendegúz’s passing.
In honour of their wheelchair-bound friend Bendegúz Lóránd Nagy, who travelled extensively despite his physical challenges and passed away recently, the Traband Expedition paid tribute in the desert by setting up a headstone between the oases of Zagora and Merzouga. Bendegúz, who was born in Transylvania, travelled to various countries including South America, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan during his 30 years in a wheelchair.
The headstone, which is decorated with traditional motifs and a globe symbolising his adventurous spirit, was carved from a tree in his homeland. Zsolt and the Trabant Expedition hope that many people will visit this memorial place to commemorate Bendegúz’s remarkable journey and spirit.

A book has also been published by Zsolt called “Világjáró Trabant” which chronicles the adventure of Zsolt and Bendegúz. The book details their Arctic tour in 2014 and the Budapest-Bamako tour in 2015.

Where is it possible to meet the Trabant Expedition Team?
The Trabant Expedition is ready to explore countless destinations worldwide and enact positive change, but there is one spot where you can find them: the Jártatlan Utakon Festival, a hub for travellers and enthusiasts alike. The Jártatlan Utakon Festival takes place twice a year and according to their website, their primary goal was to inspire young people to travel by showcasing that it does not require a lot of money but rather natural curiosity and determination.
The event also aims to bring together independent Hungarian travellers who share their extraordinary journeys and unique methods of travel and offer talks, ideas, advice, and inspiration to interested individuals.

Read also:
- Interview: How a Hungarian humanitarian group explores Africa with a Trabant – HERE
- Hungarian Trabant explorer on a new journey to pick up litter on El Camino pilgrim route – HERE
In the beginning of this year, there was also a Wartburg 1.3 team in the Budapest-Bamako 2024. If SNH is interested, I know these guys.