Young Hungarian girl sold into prostitution for 700 euros

The poor girl was transported to Germany to provide sexual services.
Many awful things happen in Hungary, usually to the most vulnerable. This story is no exception either.
Men running Hungarian prostitutes in Berlin were arrested
A young girl, who was not even 18 yet, was raised by her pensioner grandmother in very harsh circumstances on very little money. The girl acquired a shop assistant qualification, but she did not manage to get a job and thus earn her own money. Back in July 2019, she met a local man in Kiskunmajsa, in southern Hungary. Together, they cooked up a plan to acquire money. They decided that the man would sell the girl through intermediaries to people who pimp sex workers. Then, the girl would run away and go back home to divide the money between the two of them.
The man contacted two siblings near Szeged, who
took the girl to Mindszent a week later and sold her for 250 thousand forints (about 700 euros)
to a local man and woman.
The members of the family who bought the girl (a mother, her son, and three other family members) took all the money the girl had made from prostitution. Two days later, one of the family members
shoved her onto a bus leaving for Nuremberg, Germany, where the young girl was forced to perform sexual services in an apartment.
Meanwhile, her grandmother had no idea about her whereabouts.
The man overseeing her work and controlling her confiscated her ID card and only let her leave the apartment under his surveillance. She was threatened she would not be able to get back to Hungary if she did not comply with what they tell her to do.
Luckily, the man she had previously met and her grandmother both started to look for her. Her granny even notified the police about her disappearance.
When the “kidnappers” learnt about the involvement of the police, they gave her ID card back and let the girl return to Hungary.
The Prosecutor’s Office of Bács-Kiskun County charged four men and four women with human trafficking. They are facing prison time, penitentiary time, and proscription from public affairs, writes