F1’s Vettel was compared to a Nazi by a Hungarian politician
Sebastian Vettel put on a rainbow-coloured mask and shirt and, in return, received a very harsh comment from Fidesz’s European Parliament Member.
Hungary’s recently introduced law labelled the “homophobic law” travelled all around the world. From civil organisations to leading politicians in several countries, many people from different backgrounds have their opinion.
EP has found a way to sanction Hungary for the “homophobic law”?
The latest among the critics were the two Formula One superstars, Lewis Hamilton and Sebastian Vettel.
The former posted on Instagram expressing his support towards the LGBTQ community of Hungary.
The latter not only openly and sharply talked about his views and criticised the law but also made a very visible public gesture to make sure everyone knows his standpoint.
On Sunday, Vettel showed up at the Hungarian Grand Prix wearing a rainbow-coloured mask and a T-shirt, saying “Same Love”.
“Everyone is free to do what they want, and that is the point. So, I find it embarrassing for a country that is in the European Union, having to vote or having some laws like this…,” said Vettel.
He even put on a pair of white shoes with a rainbow on them.
His action was then commented on by Tamás Deutsch, a member of the European Parliament from Fidesz. On Sunday, in a Facebook post,
he called the German pilot’s solidarity action a Nazi move.
As he said: “The Germans have always known how to present in sports the current fashionable symbols of the given times.” To emphasise his words, he even added a photo of the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Minister of Justice Varga Judit reacted to what Hamilton said and called his words “fake news”.
The quite harsh response of Deutsch was not left without a reaction from the Hungarian political life. Fellow European Parliament member from the Hungarian political party MSZP (Hungarian Socialist Party) left an equally harsh message. As 24.hu quotes his words, “Tamás, how deep will you and your party sink, but for real? With this brainless instigation, you literally called a World Champion (or anyone) a Nazi, just because he has a different opinion? What monsters did the once enlightened and young democrats standing up for Hungary have become?”
Surely Herr Deutsch is too ignorant to know the basics of History, for example the fact that Hungary, with that Horty whom Deutsch probably worships as a national hero, was allied with Nazi Germany. A very loyal ally of Hitler’s, practically one of his puppets, for several years and almost until the end of WW2.
First virtually eliminating free speech in the media, now trying to eliminate freedom of opinion and expression. The Hungarian government are emulating Putin, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and now adding a Nazi flourish as a cherry on the cake .Other MEP’s should vote to suspend him from the European Parliament (or the government should sack him) for his disgraceful comment. As a public figure representing a government his personal views are not supposed to be made in public.
The World Microscope on Hungary we know that exists.
This is another example adding to a GROWING list – the destruction GLOBALLY – this present Government in Hungary continues to undertake – destroying the Brand name Hungary.
May 2022 – National Elections Date – what will be on this growing mounting list – that through the present Government – us FIRST – you the People of Hungary second – what will be on this list – that Highlights – the Fidesz Party corruptibility’s ?
“Be Mindful of the Blessings that Freedom, which You have Definitively Secured means for the Future of your Country.
Cherish it – and make Good use of Your Liberty”.
Message – August 1991 – Blessed words given to the PEOPLE of Hungary – by St. Pope John Paul 11.
What CONTINUES – to Go Wrong ???
The message contained in these Words – forget, if you don’t practice a Faith/Religion – the writer of these Words – look and study them – apply them -to and in – the Hungary of August 2021 ???
What is Going on ???
Cardinal Peter Erdo – from your Palace in Esztergom – in Support of the 43% of the population of Hungary – baptized into the Holy Roman Catholic Faith, make a Statement – take a Position – that could be built on and around – the Words of Wisdom – given to the PEOPLE of Hungary in August 1991.
These Blessed words – given by your Favored Pope John Paul 11 – carved into Stone in Hero’s Square – that communicate – the Blessings of Freedom that we Rightfully the People of Hungary – Secured – for our Future.
Cherish them – Embrace them and through this Rightful Freedom – make Rightfulness and Good of Use of your Liberty.
Carry the Cross for and With us – Cardinal Erdo – and be Witnessed seen – as a Supporter of Rights of Freedom and Liberty – that is in your “Curriculum Vitae” – or Job Description – as our Roman Catholic Cardinal and thus Primate of Hungary.
Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty – please pray with us for Cardinal Peter Erdo – that Wisdom granted to him – that his message – when COMMUNICATED – carries in it – our Rights of Freedom and of Liberty – given us as a Country in 1991 by the Blessed Words of Saint Pope John Paul 11.
Latin – Ex Cultu Robur – – translated meaning in English :
“From Culture comes Strength”.
Cardinal Peter Erdo – may you have continued and growing – Faith, Vision and Strength – as our Spiritual Father of the Holy Roman Catholic Church of Hungary – and carry with us – the Cross – it’s true meaning – of Christ Jesus.
Had Vettel worn a rainbow coloured shirt with the words SHAME LOVE on them I’d be interested in reading articles and comment.
God did not give us the rainbow to signify sex between same gendered persons when he specifically had the bible explain relationships, marriage, his wishes for procreation, love and respect, the special different roles of mothers,/fathers. Therefore I find the rainbow attire, flags, graphics chosen to advertise the same sex relationships highly offensive. Otherwise, couldn’t care less about them as anything but other humans with their lives to live.
For someone criticizing Germans like that, Deutsch probably isn’t the greatest surname…
Kate did you just say you wouldn’t comment on this article by commenting on this article? Wow! That’s special
Respectfully – Kate :
Surprised you Don’t know this – The Greatest of ALL the Commandments is :
“Love one another, as I have Loved You “.
Why do we FAIL – meeting others, looking into there Faces – and not instantly – Love them ???
Why do we on meeting others – look into there Faces and instantly Judge them ?
Pope Francis – in 2013 – answering a questions relating to him hearing confession to a gay person, replied :
” Who am I to Judge “.
The greatest of All the Commandments – pray we do all within our human power – to Practice, and grow – in Tolerance and Understanding of ALL – each other – who are of this World – we ALL live.
Will this nonsense ever ends? Hungary has the right to enact any and all laws that protect the vulnerable, in this case children. It is time to ignore foreign naysayers, who probably accept and support child molestation, e.g. Berlin placing children with homosexual couples for 40 years.
The law does not discriminate against adult members of LGBT. It is time for critics to shut up and work on fixing problems in their own countries.
The country’s of the World – will not Shut up when they continue to see, driven by the Policies of the present Government of Hungary – the abolishment – of Citizens Rights in Hungary under a “veiled and “supposed” Democratic system being REMOVED – taken from them.
Freedom, Choice and Liberty – a VOICE not “crushed” into submission by a Government that is centrally focused on POWER.
Building and obtaining POWER – for a Political Party and what they – individuals and the Fidesz Party can gain FIRST – at any cost – and then the “left overs” for the Honest tax paying Citizens of Hungary – SECOND.
Hungary is under a MASSIVE Global Microscope.
We walk a fine line that could see us “fall off the perch” – left in a position that see’s us – fighting for our Future.
The brand name Hungary – by this present Government – has been and continues to be humongous in Damage.
“The law does not discriminate against adult members of the LGBT [community]”
Sure, except in the ways it limits their free speech and ability to see themselves in ads and the media.
Of course it discriminates, the law has been changed so they can’t adopt. Are you so small minded that you think LGBT are all sexual perverts. Some of the nicest people I know are from the LGBT community. Only a few days ago an article written where a stepfather abused his daughter. No LGBT there. The government is encouraging people to have more children, tragically this is the likelihood of what will happen.
Sorry Kate I didn’t mean that.
‘God’ did not create rainbows. It is caused by the reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light. An entirely scientific process.
And another thing, Rainbow flags have been used and some are still used by a whole range of other groups, not just LGBTQ, including in Italy representing International Peace, in Peru representing Andean Indigenism and the Ben Ohr Jewish Movement in the US. The use of rainbow colours is a freedom for all to use.
Exactly. It’s also used for those who have had a miscarriage and are then expecting another baby. Called a rainbow baby.
…and the nonsense keeps coming….Gay people can adopt, as individuals. This law is to ensure continuing responsibility for for an adopted child. The child is also totally aware of who the parent is.
Before people comment on Hungarian laws, read the text. People getting their information from leftist media just look “uneducated”.
Whatever may be said, the law is designed to not let anyone from the LGBT community adopt. People who comment on information from state controlled right wing media just look uneducated.
How dare a conservative use a left wing talking point –
It’s right up there with Racist as there reply for every thing.
Interesting the most powerful conservative in the US is in town all week and no mention from DNH but when it’s some Hollywood celeb it gets all giddy.
As media company he broke the story of the NYT removed all articles insisting no lab leak in China- that pushed as conspiracy for a year. This and the fact the US was funding the Lab.