Hungary to leave EU at the beginning of next decade?
There is a chance that at the end of the 2020s, Hungary would reconsider its European Union membership.
Hungary joined the European Union in 2004, hoping to catch up to its Westerns partners in the community. While many years have passed and a significant change in the small Central European state is visible now in all aspects of life, Hungary is still somewhat behind.
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After 17 years of membership, the country, for instance, is still using its national currency instead of introducing the euro.
Hungary to replace forint with euro?
The common EU currency is not the only example showing the differences among Union members regarding money.
Ever since Hungary joined the community, it has always taken more out of the joint budget than it has paid in.
However, despite the joint efforts to financially help the less fortunate member states and elevate them to the same level, some countries are starting to raise their voices against this and see it as unfair. Especially those who pay in significantly more than what they have been receiving in return.
Telegraph brings up the example of the EU budget cycle from 2018, when Hungary received over £4 billion, mainly to even out inequalities across the bloc. The same year, the still EU member UK paid almost double of this amount into the pot.
This unequal and unfair situation, although based on agreed-on factors like the population and the country’s GDP, will soon change.
Hungary is expected to become a net contributor to the budget by 2030.
It means that it will pay into the collective budget rather than taking out.
Finance Minister Mihály Varga told ATV that
the country might rethink its position by the end of this decade.
Although he would still vote yes if a hypothetical vote were to take place on the membership this year, he also added how his opinion might change drastically in the near future.
“When we evaluate us being net contributors to the EU, there is a chance for a new perspective on the issue. Especially if the attacks coming from Brussels become permanent because of our choices of values”, said Varga.
Which values was he speaking about? The most recent confrontation between the Hungarian government and the European Union, more precisely the European Commission, is based on the newly introduced “homophobic law”, widely seen as discriminative. Many political leaders around the world and inside the EU have commented on or even protested against it. The Commission itself has been looking for a solution to penalising the Orbán government for not respecting fundamental human rights. It seems like one of the legislative branches of the EU has found a way to do so.
Has the European Parliament found a way to sanction Hungary for the “homophobic law”?
Hungary once again got into a battle with Brussels and the other member states over the access to Budapest’s cut of the massive pot of cash created for the economic recovery of the member states from the pandemic.
The European Commission is trying to delay the approval of the pay-outs and link it directly to certain conditions, such as cracking down on corruption, respecting the Rule of Law, human rights, and press freedom.
Things that are currently seen as being compromised in Hungary.
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“The country doesn’t have time for these games. That’s why we’re going to launch the national plan with our own resources,” Varga said.
Get out …while you can!
So keeping Hungarians the lowest paid people in the EU is the plan then, keep the oligarchs happy and extremely well off buying up the countries infrastructure, motorways, and property in forints while they cash in with forign currencies.
Why do very few forign people come and work in Hungary from a western EU oh their pay unless they are being paid from the western country they come from.
Where do the most forign workers come from to work in Hungary is my Question, oh a poorer country than Hungary the bottom line.
Yet Hungarians still work abroad doing seasonal work and look for a better life.
I think he would like to be like Belarus he has to go..
Hooray !
Then Hungary will NO LONGER have to pay ANY attention to eternal THREATS from Brussels about ‘mandatory distribution’ of illegal MUSLIM MIGRANTS, ‘rule of law’ (made up on the run !) , acceptance into schools of those filthy sexual perverts and whatever other idiotic concepts grab the attention of such left-wing idiots at any given time.
The E.U. will collapse into a huge heap of doggie dung in the very near future – brought on largely by the new ‘MUSLIM INVASION’ of Europe – so it’s best that Hungary leaves whilst it can determine its future.
The EU is far from being a perfect union of countries. In my opinion, it’s needed a stronger union and equality that should come from the countries that deeply believe in this union and its values.
Perhaps the Visegrád Group should form their own “union” and take the Poles and Lithuanians with them ….
The inward investment from countries would collapse, especially from Germany, the biggest investor. The oligarchs are already super rich so they would not be affected. But look at Brexit and the problems that has caused the UK. Many vote leaver voters have regretted this ‘shooting itself in the foot’. The Hungarian economy would more or less collapse if Hungary left the EU. The problems at the moment its that the little, insignificant tail is trying to wag the dog. It seems that Hungarians enjoy self harming the country. The Euro issue is irrelevant – a number of EU countries, including Denmark do not use the Euro.
Perhaps Hungary can form a union with China, Russia, Belarus and North Korea. It can be named the Dictatorship Union.
I think Hungary should leave the EU and join with the Visegrad nations and interested former Iron curtain nations in a strictly economic union for trade only. Which is what The European Common Market was advertised as being until mission creep set in and tried to become a US of Europe.
Hungary does not need to be a member of a dictatorship run by Soro’s lapdogs in Brussels.
Anyone with half a brain knows that this Soros scapegoating is complete nonsense, the classic trick of creating an imaginary enemy to divert attention away from domestic issue and from a government that is rotten to the core.
Many Hngarians now realize that the EU is morphing into another Soviet Union, with dictatorship from the top.
The EU is no longer an economic union, but a socialist dictatorship .
Hungary will be fine. They can leave and will survive on their own. The idea promoted by others of the freedom-minded Visegrad group forming its own alliance is wise.
Who would pick up the Mess ?
Would it be – China or Russia ?
The 21st century – look at History.
Those amongst US – who Ignore History – are destined to Ignore It.
Foreign Investment – what we know or don’t know in 2021 – in Hungary – it would almost be – Obliviated – by a decision to with-draw it-self – Hungary – from the European Union and – and Stand Alone.
Population – 2021 = 9.5 million – “aged” population = more deaths per year than births – what are the estimates for 2031 ?
Sustainability – of a COUNTRY – do we at this time 2021 – have the over-all resources – Financial and Productivity, through Export Markets – to sustain ourselves – Stand Alone ?
Answer – No.
Looking at a decade on 2031 – the ever changing face of the World – do not see it Possible – we in Hungary will – Stand Alone.
Sorry for the misguided Hungarians who actually believe on their holy leader and will one day discover just how much it cost them. Hungary on the wrong side of history again and again and again and again. If you think the Visegrad nations will join Hungary at the exit door think again. Hungary will leave or will be booted out and the better for the EU. They can finally stop supporting the belligerent child and let it fail of it’s own accord.
Message to Think Carefully.
Can you provide any evidence of damage caused by Brexit?
I am just not seeing it in my life!
It’s a shame we need the EU money @ EUR 4 billion a year. What was our average GDP growth number, again? EUR 4 billion? I love coincidence!
Can try and go it alone, of course. Should be an interesting experiment.
Think Carefully is right in regard to Brexit. People voted to take back control of their borders. The migrants coming across the channel are more now than they’ve ever been. The problem with the hard border with Northern Ireland is still unresolved, fishing rights with the French are disputed still, saving millions for the National Health Service instead of paying to the EU was a lie. The PM maintained he had an “oven ready deal”, shame he didn’t know what it was as he never actually read it. Now some do regret voting to leave.
No amount of money can be substitution of loss of sovereignty. People complain that Hungarian people are the poorest. Their calculation is based on converting Forints to EUROs. What they fail to understand is that the salaries in Hungary using its own currency provide a good life. No one needs a second or third TV. No one goes to bed hungry. There are less homeless people, percentage wise, in Hungary than US, Canada and other western nations. Crime, compared to other western nation, is almost non existent. Many western citizens spend their summers in Hungary because they feel safe. Many western citizens move to Hungary for the same reason. Foreign factories are placed in Hungary because of the trained work force and favorable tax laws. The question is can Hungary survive without the EU, the answer is yes. The country survived over 1000 years and it will survive another 1000 years as long as it keeps its sovereignty, does not give in to Brussels’ dictatorship.
EU prevents the EU membership from having to be cancelled, but if Hungary really did decide to get out then the fray would come in and some other EU member states would do the same.