Orbán: Migration will completely reshape world
“Migration will completely reshape the world in which we live, and everything that happens in 2050 and beyond will be a consequence of what is happening now,” Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said at a conference on Wednesday organised by the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK).
Those who fail to protect themselves now will no longer have the chance to do so in 2050-60, Orbán said.
“When we talk about the effects of migration on Europe, it is about our children and grandchildren and their safety,” he added.
Addressing the business representatives at the conference, Orbán said: “Your economic successes will be pointless if your grandchildren and children take over your companies in a world which is not a good place to live in.”
Upcoming tasks, he said, include designing a strategy for supporting Hungarian companies’ outward investment. Hungarian companies must join the global economic competition, he said, but this required generating resources. Central bank governor György Matolcsy has been tasked with preparing this strategy, he noted, adding that Hungarian companies must make at least as much abroad as foreigners make in Hungary.
Orbán also identified turning around Hungary’s population decline and setting the economy on a path of sustainable growth that exceeds the European Union average by 2 percentage points as key objectives. The government’s family support initiatives will help to halt population decline in the country, he added.
Further, vocational training would be “radically reformed”, Orbán said.
Orbán insisted that
anyone who strove for a united states of Europe was pro-migration and wanted a Europe altered by immigrants.
Meanwhile, he said goals to be reached by 2030 included making Hungary one of the top five EU countries and among the five most competitive states.
Further, the Carpathian Basin must be reconstructed in both the physical and economic sense, and central Europe must become a real economic area, Orbán said. True energy independence must also come about, requiring the development of the Paks nuclear power plant, increasing the amount of solar energy and making fossil fuels available by new means such as gas extracted in Romania and the Turkish Stream pipeline being routed to Hungary. Also, pending an agreement with Slovenia, Italian LNG should also be made available in Hungary, he added.
Orbán addressed the Hungarian economic and social policy model, saying protections of individual dignity, property and free enterprise, family, national and religious communities grew out of Christian culture.
The prime minister underlined the importance of keeping the budget deficit below 3 percent of GDP, reducing government debt and ultimately making the debt Hungarian. “Indeed, it would be better in the end for Hungary to be a creditor rather than a debtor,” he said.
He said the work-based economy, family support system, full employment and industrial reforms were the pillars of the Hungarian economic model.
Orbán warned, however, that unless Hungarian companies renewed their activities, boosted their efficiency and responded to the increase in wage costs, they may fail.
Since Hungary’s population is unlikely to grow significantly in the near future, the economy will have 5 million workers at its disposal, so no expansion will be possible due to new employees entering the job market. But labour reserves are still available in cross-border formations, he added.
Orbán identified farming and the food industry based on it, as well as sport and culture, as prime areas on which domestic businesses can grow.
Addressing the relationship between the National Bank of Hungary (NBH) and the government, Orbán said the independence of the central bank as laid down in the constitution did not exclude the possibility of working together. A lack of cooperation would mean the separation of the real economy and the financial sector, he added.
Economic policy, he said, should be based on two kinds of vision simultaneously: one innovative and courageous, represented by central bank governor György Matolcsy, and the other rooted to the ground, as represented by Mihaly Varga, the finance minister.
Orbán told the chief executives present that Hungary was now in a rising phase. The challenge to Hungarians is not to take their successes for granted and let them go, putting off steps forward that fall beyond their comfort zone. “The reward for success … is to work even harder because if we don’t keep on peddling, the bicycle will fall over,” he added.
Source: MTI
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Prime Minister Viktor Orban has hereby laid out the plans and vision for the success, indeed survival, for Hungary, as a Nation State, for the next thirty years or so !
It is an ambitious and sound vision for Hungary’s future, and, to lead and spear head those Central Eastern European nations so ready and eager for development opportunities so denied them in the past.
The EU needs this vision and leadership now, more than ever !!
Go Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Hungary ! may you get the fullest support of the Nation Sir !
John H.Morton.
I fully agree with this statement! What to say (or think) about the following:
Things are not going well with the European Union and with all of Europe. Our abuse of National Socialism, abuse to cultivate understanding for the most oppressive ideology of all: Islam. The European Union has been flirting with Turkey right from the start, which is exactly the opposite of authentic European values. With a warmed up conquest of the Ottoman Empire they apparently wanted to neutralize the Jewish-Christian roots of Europe. The Gulf states that want to impose their fascist Islamism on all mankind and spend billions on terrorists are welcomed with open arms as friends. They can invest in mega projects in Europe to set up Islamic centers with mosques everywhere while there is not even a question of freedom of religion for Christians and Jews. And anyone who points out this unreasonableness is being called racist or Islamophobic. All of Europe is suffering from Islam and it is getting worse! Over the past decades the threat of terrorism in the West has steadily increased. This growth has everything to do with the rise of Islam in our societies. Politicians who refuse to see this reality are not only fooling themselves but also putting their citizens in danger! There are now problems that simply cannot be denied but in order to maintain their position of power and not to lose votes, left every rightwing party who does raise the problems with multiculturalism and thus threatens their position of power in advance in the racist loft. Over the past decades a system of convictions, norms and values has become known in the Western world known as ‘political correctness’. Although sometimes nonchalantly reacted, political correctness is deadly serious in its objective: it strives to impose a uniformity of thinking and behavior and does not tolerate contradiction. Therefore political correctness can be considered totalitarian and a direct threat to freedom and Western civilization. Political correctness is used to block a debate and marginalize opponents by branding them with unpopular labels. It corrupts language, destroys culture and makes it impossible to criticize what is going on in society. This phenomenon has been firmly anchored in the West since the 1960’s – from the academic world to the entertainment industry, from the news media to the government buildings – and has penetrated virtually every facet of society. The left has power and their voice dominates the mainstream media. Karl Marx once said: Peace means the absence of opposition to socialism, a sentiment that corresponds to the islamic idea that peace is the same as the absence of opposition to islamic domination. Socialism is by definition dictatorial and murderous. That is why even leftist clubs in Western Europe are constantly seizing censorship, sham trials, intimidation and violence in order to make them right. And in the eyes of the left-wing minnows they have the right to express their opinion. If you think of it then you can get a brick in your mouth, a Molotov cocktail in your house or car or a bullet through your head. The left world consists of idiots, who have lost their way completely. One of the big mistakes we made was to declare socialism dead, as something you did not have to worry about. Now it is claimed that communism is dead, that the great ideologies have had their time and that humanity has reached the end of history. But the specter of communism is still in Europe. It is true that the hard Marxism of the Soviet-Union collapsed, at least for the time being, but the soft Marxism of the Western left has actually become stronger partly because we thought it was less threatening. The hard Marxists had intercontinental nuclear weapons and openly said they would get us under it. The soft Marxist talks about tolerance seems less threatening but the goal, overthrow of the angry capitalist West, remains the same. Members of the communist parties spread out over various socialist parties and the Marxist law was distributed and put into practice with parliamentary democratic means. Meanwhile, almost the entire (European) elite consists of cultural Marxists. Hitler was also a left-wing rascal, just look at his socialist program where he won the election. NSDAP = National Socialist German Workers’ Party, like the Hungarian MSZMP. The Nazi’s were not reactionaries that wanted to restore the old state society before the First World War. They were revolutionaries with a revolutionary project. The whole social order was ‘turned’ to create a community in which all Germans regardless of rank and status were included. There was a social revolution or modernization. The basic program of the NSDAP breathes a socialist spirit in its entirety and an anti-capitalist spirit as a whole. The highest leaders of the NSDAP explicitly called themselves socialist. Georg Strasser (formerly number 2 of the Nazi’s): We are socialists and the enemies, the deadly enemies of the existing capitalist system. Goebbels proclaimed that National Socialism must be revolutionary to destroy the slavery of international capital. Hitler rejected Christianity as a Jewish invention. We are socialists, we are the enemies of the current capitalist system of exploitation of the economic weak. We are determined to destroy this system at all costs! Adolf Hitler in his May 1 speech of 1927.
Benito Mussolini was named after three left-revolutionary heroes and grew up in the socialist movement. He was editor-in-chief of La Lotta di Classe (Class struggle), the organ of the left wing of the socialist party. Later, Mussolini also becomes a member of the board of the socialist party. After a disagreement Mussolini leaved the party, but says: I am and remain a socialist. Socialism is in my blood. Those in brown shirts stabbed Nazi’s, the SA, were just like steak: brown on the outside, but red on the inside. And anti-semitism was a motive of Marxism and socialism. The Socialist Parties in Germany in 1923 were already calling for the persecution of the Jews. Extreme right label is an invention of Stalin. The two Führers (literally, because also Stalin was called Vozjd (Leader)) admired each other, but two crocodiles in one pond is one too much. And so Stalin ordered the Comintern in 1933 to baptize the Nazi’s from now on fascists and to label them as right-wing extremists. His servants obeyed and were enthusiastically followed by the Social Democrats who were not happy with that socialist label of the Nazi’s. Hitler’s socialists are not only left, but also green. The National Socialists showed great sympathy for Islam. Minister Albert Speer, architect of the Third Reich and close friends with Hitler, writes that the Führer has warm feelings for Islam. Hitler himself said that he does not hate Islam as the only belief. He said several times: It is our misfortune that we have the wrong faith, the Moslem religion would fit us better than Christianity. Already the Nazi’s worked together with extremist Muslims. One of them was Al-Husseini, the grandmufti of Jerusalem, who received asylum in Nazi Germany in 1941 and who worked closely with Himmler and Eichmann. Al-Husseini was partly responsible for sending more than 19,000 Jewish children to the gas chambers. To this day Islamic terrorists in the Middle East are showing the Hitler salute as a sign of their connection with the National Socialist ideology. In the 1960’s, Gamal Abdel Nasser introduced Arabic socialism into Egypt. He spoke of the Arab application of socialism. The following text dates back to that time: The message, brothers, that we proclaim is socialism. Socialism is the basis of equality and the first religion that socialism proclaimed was Islam. In reality Mohammed was the imam of socialism. The socialism that Mohammed had introduced, the socialism that Umar ibn al-Khattab (the second caliph after Muhammad) had introduced, that they preached the people, that was freedom, that was socialism and that was true Islam. Nasser once said in a speech: Our religion is a socialist. In the Middle Ages, Islam applied successful socialist principles in the world for the first time. There is little difference between the left and Islam. Gradually Islam spreads its power, it will not stop until all of Europe is Islamic. According to the PEW Research Center, the number of Muslims in the Netherlands will grow from 1 million in 2010 (6% of the population) to 1.6 million in 2050 (9.4% of the population). In the same period the number of Christians in the Netherlands will decrease from 8.4 million (50.6%) in 2010 to 6.75 million of the population (39.6%) in 2050. If this trend continues, the Netherlands will not a Muslim country for too long. Multiculturalism is not about tolerance or diversity, it is an anti-Western hate ideology, designed to dismantle Western civilization. The EU/USSR is a distinctive political structure that uncontrollably seizes all power over the heads of its citizens and has the sovereignty of its countries. The leadership and the officials have nothing more than that the peoples of Europe disappear in a mill that destroys their identity. Quote Michael Gorbachev: The most puzzling development in politics is the clear determination of Western European leaders to recreate the Soviet Union in Western Europe. https://youtu.be/RNv1rizqsV4 We must stop saying that Islam is a religion of peace and love, according to the Moroccan-French journalist Zineb El Rhazoui with the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. Let us recognize that contemporary Islamism is just applied Islam. When we take Islam literally we get Islamism and when we take Islamism literally we get terrorism. Escaping the massacre in which 12 people were murdered by the terrorist brothers Kouachi, she continues to speak out against fascist Islamism in a book by her hand: Destroy Islamic fascism. The Sharia is also an example of a form of religious fascism. Hundreds of millions of killed non-Muslims, for 1,400 years, are also examples of a form of religious fascism. Terrorist attacks are also examples of a form of religious fascism. And IS or Hamas, e.g. is also a form of religious fascism. The world has many Islamic countries. Characteristics are Führer principle, anti-democratic, inequality between men and women, suppression of other beliefs, dependent judiciary, secret police, glorification of violence, anti-semitism etc. etc. https://youtu.be/2S4w6KoJtCY