

Scandal in the Hungarian parliament! Orbán hails “slave law”, opposition protests

"This is a good #law that will work to the benefit of #employees" #Orbán #Hungary #parliament #labourmarket

Orbán congratulates Kramp-Karrenbauer on election as CDU leader

"#Hungarian Christian Democrats continue to see the relations between ruling #Fidesz and the #CDU as of strategic importance" #Hungary #Germany #EU

Deputy leader: Fidesz is all for a strong European People’s Party

"Changes within the #EU are needed, and these should be achieved from the inside and through a strong #EPP" #Fidesz #EPelection #CDU

Jobbik calls on governemnt to confirm reports of household utility increases

Opposition #Jobbik has called on the government to confirm the veracity of reports

Socialists to sue media council over Central European Press and Media Foundation’s acquisitions

"Orbán's media mafia was in breach of not just democratic decency but also the EU's founding treaty" - Socialists #MSZP

Government Info Centre: Saving print media is of public interest

The #law enables the #government to give certain #company holdings the status of special significance #media #journalism #print #Hungary

Opposition calls on speaker not to ban journalists from parliament

The parliament's #speaker, decides "on a whim" whom to allow into #Parliament #journalist #media #Hungary

POLL – Fidesz’s popularity rises, Jobbik weakens

Extra #Fidesz support was at the expense of #Jobbik #Hungary #politics #poll

Orbán and government’s huge media empire unites as one

“The Central European Foundation of Press and Media became operational…” #hungarian #media #centralization #government

EP report calling for Gruevski’s extradition!

Report passed by the European Parliament calling on #Hungary to extradite former Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola #Gruevski #eu #macedonia

Orbán’s cabinet: Hungary to answer in kind to political attacks

New billboard: "Hundreds have died in terrorist attacks since 2015 ... but Guy Verhofstadt says: 'we don't have a migration crisis'. This is insane!" #Hungary #Fidesz #migration #EU

Fidesz: Soros ‘seeking to influence’ EP elections

"#Brussels is irrevocably in #Soros's pocket" #Hungary #Fidesz #EPelection

Jobbik: Planned labour code changes ‘anti-family’

The proposal, if passed into law, would leave employees one day off each month rather than per week! - #Jobbik MP Pintér

Hungarian government addresses debate on Article 7 procedure

"In terms of handling #migration #Hungary was the only country with an exemplary approach" #hungarian #border #eu #europeanunion

Opposition, unions slam Fidesz proposal to raise overtime threshold

"The bill would stealthily introduce a six-day working week in #Hungary" - #LMP #tradeunions #labourmarket #labourshortage #opposition #fidesz

Hungary’s authority ‘made no mistake’ in Gruevski procedure, says interior minister

"The #Gruevski affair impacts national security" - The head of the national security committee #Mirkóczki #Jobbik #hungary #hungarian #diplomacy #migration

Opposition parties turn to EU over Gruevski affair

"It is without precedent that a #European #Union #member #state should do this with the former politician of a candidate #country" #Hungary #Macedonia

Paks 2 nuclear power plant project – the “worst deal of the century”?

"The #Orbán #regime would collapse unless it resumes control over the increasingly chaotic #Paks 2 investment #project" #Hungary #nuclear #energy

Viktor Orbán gains a new ally in Bannon, the ex-Trump strategist

Steve Bannon, the former WH strategist will collaborate with Viktor Orbán during next year’s run-up to the elections of the European Parliament

Prosecution investigators question Fidesz MP suspected of graft

The estimated losses incurred to the budget exceed 4.3 million euros - #criminal #hungary #fidesz