

Election 2018 – Orbán: Hungarians to choose future on April 8

On the topic of Hungary's opposition parties, Orbán said they lacked the courage as well as the will to protect Hungary. #hungary #hungarian #HungaryElection2018 #migration #Fidesz

Election 2018 – Parliament security committee head: Opposition using national security committee sessions for campaign purposes

Németh accused opposition delegates to the committee of bringing forward issues and topics that are "obviously lies, [...] fake news" #hungary #hungarian #fidesz #hungaryelection2018

Ruling party MEPs boycott Parliament’s national security committee meeting

The meeting was called to request briefing on several suspected cases of money laundering and #fraud #hungary #hungarian #parliament #HungaryElection2018

‘Soros network’ attempts to influence EU reports on Hungary, says minister Lázár

"#Hungary will not back the #UN's stance on migration until its 12-point proposal concerning the draft package is approved."

Election 2018 – LMP withdraws candidate accepting recommendations from Fidesz

"There is evidence of Fidesz abusing personal data of voters" - LMP #HungaryElection2018

Public work means dead end for most in Hungary

Though #public work programs improve the #statistics very much in #Hungary they mean mostly a #dead end for those who take part in them. #Hungarian #labour shortage #job market #immigration

MN: Hungarian secretary of state has 5M dollars in a secret bank account in Belize

According to #Magyar Nemzet, #Secretary of State for Development, #Climate Policy and Priority #Public Services, Zsolt Szabó and his wife own an #offshore #company registered in #Belize. #Hungary #Hungarian #Government #corruption #rollingdollars #

Orbán cabinet: ‘Stop Soros’ would stop NGOs ‘using migration against state’

"The law package to be voted on in parliament after the April 8 election" #HungaryElection2018 #Fidesz #Hungary #Hungarian #ngo

Friends of Fidesz among the winners of the state land auctions

According to János Ángyán, former state secretary for agriculture #Fidesz-close #entrepreneurs won most of the lands in #Pest county while local #farmers were chanceless at the #auctions. #Hungary #Hungarian #corruption #land #ploughman #ploughing

Hungarian minister Kósa wanted his 2.63M EUR gift to be transferred on his mother’s bank account

#Kósa thought about this #money as his success fee, but did not want it on his own #bank account because of practical reasons – said a relative of the strange #heiress. #hungary #hungarian #Kósa-gate #hungary #hungarian #billion # corruption

Election 2018 – PM candidate Karácsony: Socialist-Párbeszéd wants to restore ‘peace’

The ruling parties' "governance based on finding enemies" has destroyed peace in the country with hatemongering, Karácsony insisted #hungary #hungarian #HungaryElection2018 #socialists

Orbán: The demographic problem should be solved through family policy

Orbán: he demographic problem afflicting the country should not be solved through #immigration, but through #family policy #hungary #hungarian #HungaryElection2018

Election 2018 – Former PM Gyurcsány: Electoral system skewed to ‘massively favour’ Fidesz

He accuses #Fidesz of using the central budget to promote itself #Hungary #HungaryElection2018 #DemocraticCoalition #opposition

Election 2018 – Fidesz refuses to attend parliament committee meeting on Kósa-gate scandal

True or false? #HungaryElection2018 #Hungary #scandal #money #Fidesz

Vast majority of Hungarians support border fence – Survey

Do you support #Hungary's border fence? #hungarian #migration #eu #schengen

Election 2018 – PM candidate Karácsony discusses anti-graft plans

"Merely 23 percent of #Hungarians see a chance of efficient action against #corruption" #hungary #HungaryElection2018 #socialists

Hungarian political scientist: PM Orbán threatened those who are not with him

Gábor Török believes that PM #Orbán said in his #National Holiday #speech what he really believes not what in his interest was. However, this can become a grave #political mistake. #Hungary #hungarian #threat #opposition #revolution #freedom

Election 2018 – Szél: Opposition parties ‘should at least be on speaking terms’

#HungaryElection2018 #hungary #hungarian #lmp

Jobbik wins over 100 libel suits against Fidesz media empire

#Jobbik: The people cannot be deceived without consequences #hungaryelection2018 #hungary #hungarian #media

A Hungarian businessman paid for Deputy PM Semjén’s luxurious hunting in Sweden

Though #government members and government-close #media claimed that #Semjén just visited his relatives in #Sweden and #hunted together with them, #Magyar Nemzet discovered that this is not true. #Hungary #hungarian #reindeer #moose #money #corruption