Hungarian worker caught with kitchen knife avoids jail in the UK

János Orsos, based in Stamford, UK, has avoided jail after being caught with an 20 cm long kitchen knife out in the streets. 

The Hungarian expat defended his actions by saying he was only out in the open “to cut a birthday cake”.

He was sentenced to a suspended jail time of 4 months after having found guilty to wielding the knife and being in possession of small amounts of marijuana.

János required an interpreter during his court hearing where he luckily escaped jail even though the magistrates warned that his offences “attract a custodial sentence”. The story took an interesting turn when the court was told that police only intervened because they saw the Hungarian man, drunk and disorderly, arguing with another person. János tried to hide the knife after the police approached him. 

Anita Toal, attorney, defended János’ actions by highlighting that he had been attending a party prior to the incident and he had used his knife to cut the birthday cake.

He also suggested the Hungarian immigrant’s actions have been “out of character” and that “he had not been involved in the argument that had taken place”.

Approximately 100,000 Hungarians live in the UK, although most likely this number is much higher in reality. Some of them are not always on their best behaviour.


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