POLL – Fidesz captures 40% of electorate
Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party has captured the support of 40 percent of the electorate in the latest survey by Medián.
In the poll published by news portal hvg.hu on Wednesday, Fidesz’s support among all voters rose by 4 percentage points in a single month and its support was the highest since January 2011.
Radical nationalist party Jobbik had the backing of 11 percent of Medián’s sample, while the Socialists were preferred by 7 percent. Green party LMP notched up 4 percent, while the Democratic Coalition had 5 percent.
Taking decided voters firmly committed to casting their ballots, Fidesz had the backing of 61 percent, according to Medián’s survey carried out between October 20 and 24 with a representatives sample of voting-age adults.
In the past six months, not only has Fidesz’s popularity increased but voters have a gradually improving opinion of the government’s performance, too, Medián said. In October, 48 percent of respondents gave the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán a “good” rating, and 44 percent said things were going well in the country.
At the same time, voters are divided concerning their preference for after the elections, with 45 percent indicating the desire to see a change of government, while 44 percent wanted the current government to stay in power, Medián said.
Among decided voters, Jobbik had the backing of 14 percent of Medián’s sample, the Socialists 9 percent, LMP 5 percent and the Democratic Coalition 7 percent. Altogether 30 percent were uncommitted to any single party.
Featured image: MTI
Source: MTI
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