

Parliament to vote on constitutional amendment, ‘Stop Soros’ laws next Wednesday

"The "#Stop #Soros" laws are designed to penalise anyone who "#organises #illegal #migration" or encourages others to bypass the relevant laws" - #Fidesz #hungary #hungarian

Hungarian government: Common border protection must be supported

At Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office press conference in Budapest – rendering an account of the proceedings of the Wednesday cabinet meeting – Gergely Gulyás […]

Parliament committee approves constitutional amendment proposals on banning homelessness

Constitutional amendment proposals on banning #homelessness #hungary #hungarian #parliament #rights

Ruling party hails, opposition criticises draft budget in Hungary

It is the #budget of a country dubbed "Footballistan" where more than 100 billion forints are still being spent on building stadium - #Socialists #hungary #hungarian #economy

Fidesz proposes constitutional ban on homelessness

"Besides the public-security and public-health dangers, this is a burden on city-dwellers" #Hungary #law #homeless #society

Parliamentary parties consult on constitutional amendment, ‘Stop Soros’ bill

The #parliament will #vote on the #bills before the summer recess #Hungary #migration #Soros #law

Socialists reject ‘Stop Soros’ bill, constitutional amendment

They criticised the proposals for covering three "unrelated" areas #Socialists #StopSoros #law #government

POLL – Fidesz records post-election bump

#Fidesz boosted its #popularity among #men, people living in #villages and people with a secondary #education

Fidesz hits back at Council of Europe commissioner’s call to scrap ‘Stop Soros’ bill

Mijatovic said the bill was likely to "incite xenophobia against migrants and mistrust of those committed to helping them" #Hungary #Hungarian #government #GeorgeSoros #law

LMP calls ‘Stop Soros’ draft unacceptable

They said that the "Stop Soros" draft was "extremely weak" and would not contribute to increasing the country's #security #law #government #migration

Socialists: New high court ‘completes Fidesz dictatorship’

"The last piece in configuring a sweeping dictatorial regime" #Fidesz #court #opposition #dictatorship

Leftist opposition calls on EU to take over distribution of Hungary’s funding

"Only a fraction of #EU #funding currently makes its way to #Hungarians because #Orbán and his people steal the rest" - #DK #Hungary #EuropeanUnion

Leftist DK against blacklisting of court workers

"All judges that pass rulings Fidesz does not like will be branded as "Soros agents" in the next few weeks and months" #DK

Ruling Fidesz vows to support criminalising organisation of illegal immigration

"The penalty is 5 to 90 days imprisonment." - #Fidesz

Fidesz: ‘Soros network’ to influence judiciary

The "#Soros network" is attempting to influence #Hungary's judiciary system - #Fidesz

Human Rights Watch would expel Fidesz from the European People’s Party

They said it was time for the CDU and the CSU to finally take action and expel #Fidesz #EU #EPP #HRW

Former Fidesz MP András Tállai to leave post as head of tax authority

András Tallai said he would leave his position as head of the National Tax and Customs Office ( #NAV)

Socialists lambast govt for ‘destroying independent judiciary’

The Orbán's cabinet is "systematically destroying" #Hungary's independent judiciary - Socialist Party (#MSZP)

Orbán cabinet lauds ‘turnaround’ in Germany’s migration policy

"#Germany had acted quite irresponsibly in 2015 by taking in more than one million #migrants" #hungary #hungarian #migration

EU-W Balkans summit in Sofia – Orbán meets conservative party leaders

#EU #summit in #Sofia, #Bulgaria