Hungary border control

Minister: ‘we will continue to protect the borders of Hungary, Europe’

Hungary will continue to protect its own borders and the borders of Europe, the justice minister said on Tuesday, in response to the European Court ruling earlier in the day that Hungary’s criminalisation of help given to people in making their claim for asylum breaches EU law.
In her English-language post on Facebook, Judit Varga noted that the EU Court of Justice upheld the European Commission’s ruling regarding certain elements of the “Stop Soros” law package.

Varga said
she regretted that the EU court did not take Hungary’s professional arguments into account.
“We all know that to the Brussels bureaucracy, the thorn in the flesh was the fact that we criminalised the promotion and facilitation of illegal immigration, as we do not want foreign NGOs to organise illegal migration to Europe,” she said.
“In today’s judgment, the Court stated what we would never have thought:
Hungary must practically support human trafficking,”
said Varga.
“What happens next? Will Member States be punished simply for protecting the continent from mass migration? We no longer have any illusions, but one thing is certain: we will continue to defend Europe. Whether the Brussels bubble likes it or not!”, the justice minister said.
Featured image: illustration
worker chinese migrant
Read alsoThis is how 32,000 immigrants will come to Hungary

Hungarian FM Szijjártó: Turkic Council cooperation is based on mutual respect

Hungary Viktor Orbán Péter Szijjártó Turkic Council

Cooperation among the members of the Turkic Council is based on mutual respect rather than countries lecturing each other, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó said in Istanbul on Friday.

This approach is becoming increasingly rare in global politics, even though it could be helpful in managing even the biggest challenges, the minister said after a summit of Turkic Council members.

“Global politics is riddled with conflicts and attacks at a time when the coronavirus pandemic could have brought about a return of the culture of mutual respect in international political relations, but unfortunately that didn’t happen,” Szijjártó said.

He said the Turkic Council was an excellent example of how geographically distant countries can interact with each other when their cooperation is based on mutual respect.

Szijjártó noted that the Turkic countries had sent medical equipment, face masks and the material used to manufacture them and disinfectants to Hungary during the first wave of the pandemic. “And when we were the ones who were in a position to help, we supported the countries of the Turkic Council by repatriating their citizens and sending them ventilators,” he said. The minister also noted that Hungary had signed agreements with Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Uzbekistan on the mutual recognition of each other’s Covid vaccination certificates.

“This is what we should be seeing in the world now that we’re in the fourth wave,” he said. “We should be recognising how dependent we are on each other.”

PM Orbán in Ankara: Europe needs allies expanding the continent’s line of defence

Orbán: government falsely accused of having eliminated media plurality

Meanwhile, he said Europe had never before faced such a complex set of challenges when it came to the issue of migration. “In fact, the situation is expected to get worse, now that 30,000-35,000 people are fleeing Afghanistan on a daily basis,” the minister said, adding that this figure was expected to rise.

Hungary and Europe’s interests lie in stopping the illegal migration waves as far away from the continent as possible, and this requires the help of the countries in the region and those countries situated along potential migration routes, Szijjártó said. The latter group, he said, therefore shouldn’t be encouraged to open their borders but should be supported in protecting them.

Forcing the countries of the region to take in Afghan migrants would have seen a repeat of the mistakes made during the 2015 migration crisis, Szijjártó said, adding that these countries had to have a say in the decisions that impacted them.

Meanwhile, Szijjártó emphasised the importance of cooperation with the Turkic countries in terms of the diversification of Europe’s energy supply, but said it was vital for that cooperation to be based on mutual respect “instead of constant lecturing”.

Azerbaijan has significant gas resources which could open up a new energy source for Europe if the capacities of the existing pipelines are increased, Szijjártó said, noting that Turkmenistan also had significant gas resources.

Read also Budapest to organize Visegrád Four-Turkic Council summit in 2022!

Should the EU pay for Hungarian border protection?

The European Commission’s rule-of-law reports have no legal footing, Justice Minister Judit Varga said after talks with European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders in Budapest on Thursday.
In addition to outlining the Hungarian government’s position, she told a press conference that Hungary would always engage with the EC in diplomatic and legal dialogue. Varga noted that in the General Affairs Council both the Polish and the Hungarian government had vetoed the decision on drafting rule-of-law reports, citing the absence of legal grounding for such a procedure.

Given the lack of a legal basis, it follows no action can be taken from the reports, she added.

Varga told the commissioner that the report in question regarding Hungary was
based on the opinion of civil organisations that are critical of the government and biased against it,
and this amounted to “the most drastic example for double standards”.
Concerning the law on child protection, Varga said that in Hungary the right to determine how a child is raised would continue to be in the hands of parents, and related legislation was the business of member states.
Concerning migration, the minister said the Hungarian government, since 2015, had represented its standpoint consistently, and
its position was increasingly shared in Europe.
Varga insisted that the European Union should have reimbursed Hungary for the cost of building the fence along its southern border. Further, it should suspend infringement procedures launched against Hungary, she said, adding that the measures were designed to protect not only the Hungarian border but Europe’s external border from illegal migration, she said.  

Varga said the “double standards shouting” from the rule-of-law reports had broken the mutual and sensitive confidence that kept the EU together and encouraged its member states to cooperate.
Featured image: illustration
Read alsoNumber of daily illegal entry attempts into Hungary reached 1,000

Number of daily illegal entry attempts into Hungary reached 1,000


Gergely Gulyás, PM Viktor Orbán’s chief of staff called today morning the protection of the EU’s borders a “patriotic duty”, adding that the government would ensure that the necessary resources are in place. The interior ministry is planning to reinforce border controls and recruit volunteers, who would be deployed after a fast-track course, he added. Gulyás also noted that the number of illegal entry attempts had shot up, from a daily 350 in 2020 to more than 1,000 at present.

He highlighted that the humanitarian impact of the “unfortunate pullout” of international forces from Afghanistan, as well as developments at the Belarus-Poland border, were elements of a migration crisis facing the bloc. Gulyás said
Hungary was “loyal to Poland”.
“It is important that Poland receives all assistance that Hungary was denied in 2015, when it started protecting the EU’s southern borders”. The EU must reimburse countries protecting its external borders, Gulyas insisted. Hungary requested a reimbursement of 580 billion forints, but has not yet received a response from the European Commission, he noted.
Regarding the government’s recent decision to
cap the price of petrol and diesel at 480 forints (EUR 1.3) per litre from Nov. 15,
he noted that fuel prices had shot up during the past year, adding that Hungary had the sixth or seventh cheapest fuel in the European Union. In four countries petrol is cheaper, while in Malta and Cyprus the current prices are similar, he said, adding that Croatia was the only other EU country to cap its fuel prices, at the equivalent of 550 forints.

Concerning utility bills, Gulyás said Europe was facing an energy crisis, with the price of natural gas having increased by an average of 400 percent in European markets. This has had a knock-on effect on the price of electricity, which has doubled over the past year. He added that household bills had increased in every European country except for Hungary, which maintains a cap on utility fees.

slammed the leftist opposition for suggesting that the government’s scheme to cut utility bills was unsustainable, and he confirmed the government’s commitment to keeping consumer utility prices at the same level.
He added that low utility prices also contributed to Hungary’s competitiveness, with a positive impact on the economy’s growth.
márki-zay atv
Read also Opposition MP candidate would build a fence around the EU

Minister: international organizations helping migration lost their common sense

Poland and the Baltic states are having to contend with forced and organised migration from the East, Péter Szijjártó, the foreign minister, wrote on Facebook on Wednesday.
The minister, who is meeting in Estonia the foreign ministers of the countries on the eastern wing of NATO, said mass illegal migration was the single item on the meeting’s agenda.
Szijjártó said migration in itself posed a threat to the region, but this was compounded by the policies of
“international organisations that have lost their common sense completely”.
Referring to the “anti-fence standpoint” of Brussels last week, he said, “here’s another gem: Yesterday, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees dared to say that Latvia, which is having to mobilise all its resources to protect its borders, should change its attitude and let migrants in,” he said. “So we should let them in; let them into the territory of the European Union and then give them loads of social support,” he added.

He said those same migrants injured Polish border guards at the weekend. The minister added that “international bureaucrats living off European taxpayers’ money” were encouraging migrants who were “trashing our rules, laws and standards of conduct” and wanted to “aggressively to impose their own way of life on us”.
Hungary foreign minister
Read also Minister: border protection is not a human rights issue!

Minister: border protection is not a human rights issue!

Hungary foreign minister
It is high time for Brussels to realise that central Asia is key to Europe’s security, as 30,000-35,000 migrants leave Afghanistan every day, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said on Wednesday.
Szijjártó told a joint press conference with Tajik counterpart Sirojiddin Muhriddin that if the countries of Central Asia decided to open their borders and allow migrants to pass through, Europe would face an even larger wave of migrants than the one experienced in 2015.

“As a result, human rights lectures should be finally abandoned and real support should be provided to the countries neighbouring Afghanistan in order to help them protect their own borders,” he said. “We propose that the European Union at least double the 20 million euros allocated for this purpose and that we transfer this support to the countries of the region as soon as possible,” he added.
Tajikistan is protecting 1,344 kilometres of border with Afghanistan and it is high time that the EU provides effective support,
he said.

“We can be thankful to the Tajiks that despite the pressure exercised by international organisations and NGOs, they keep their borders closed,” he said. “Had they not done so, many hundreds of thousands of migrants would be knocking on the southen borders of Hungary along the Western Balkans route,” he added.
Szijjártó said it was high time that Europe, Brussels and NGOs understand that border protection is not a human rights issue but a security issue. If this does not become a generally accepted position, Europe’s security will face serious challenges, he added.
Read alsoPM Orbán: “the borders can’t be protected with flower bouquets, teddy bears and welcoming committees!”

Schengen border of the EU should be further down south, says PM Orbán


Hungarians and Serbs have started building their future together, and they will both be the beneficiaries of that future, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Horgos, in northern Serbia, on Monday, at a ceremony marking the start of the refurbishment of the Subotica (Szabadka)-Szeged railway line.

In his address, Orbán said that the ceremony was in fact marking the groundbreaking of that cooperation.

“We are stronger together,” Orbán said and called for tighter bilateral ties.

Concerning the railway line to be renewed and reopened, Orbán said that “storms of history cut this line in two”, and it was eventually closed down. He suggested that it was a “typical central European story” with decisions “coming from a distant centre of an empire” leading to divisions and conflicts. “But now the time has come to take our fate into our own hands”, he said.

On another subject, Orbán said that

“the Schengen border of the European Union should be further down south”, and Serbs should be allowed to cross the border with Hungary without a passport.

“Serbia is the gateway to the Balkans and a key state for Europe’s security”, he said. He added that Serbia had been “ready to join the EU for years” and that Hungary was a committed supporter of those endeavours.

Orbán also noted that

the refurbishment project had a “big brother”, the upgrade of the Budapest-Belgrade railway line, while there are also plans to build a railway line between Baja and Subotica.

Once those links are complete border crossing will be ensured with “the simplest control procedures” because “politics should serve the interests of local residents”, the prime minister said.

As we wrote last week, the cornerstone for the Budapest-Belgrade railway line upgrade was laid in Kiskunhalas, in southern Hungary, details HERE.

50 Czech policemen help Hungary’s border patrol

Czech Police Hungary Border Control

Fifty Czech police officers arrived in Budapest on Friday to help protect the European Union’s Schengen borders in southern Hungary.

Zoltán János Kuczik, the deputy of the national police chief, noted the increasing migration pressure as a “serious security threat for Europe” in his address at the reception ceremony.

Protecting the southern borders serves security in the whole of Europe, he said, adding that international cooperation was crucial for efforts against illegal migration.

PM Orbán: “the borders can’t be protected with flower bouquets, teddy bears and welcoming committees!”

Kuczik noted that the number of attempts at illegal entry had been 17,000 in 2019, 46,000 last year, and 90,000 in the first nine months of 2021.

He also added that 915 legal proceedings had been launched against human smugglers this year, nearly three times as many as in the same period of 2020.

He said that Austrian and Serbian police were also working together with Hungary’s border police, while Hungarian police officers were serving in North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia, as well as 157 officers in Frontex operations.

Read also Brutal video shows how migrants attack the Hungarian border fence

PM Orbán: “the borders can’t be protected with flower bouquets, teddy bears and welcoming committees!”


Concerning the issue of migration, PM Viktor Orbán said in his morning interview to the Kossuth Rádió that Western European countries had “given up hope that their own women and men” could solve their countries’ demographic woes.

“They’ve said that if they aren’t bearing enough German, Belgian or French children, they need to be substituted,” Orbán explained. “They say a German child can be substituted with an African or an Asian one.” Orbán said this kind of attitude was “shocking” to Hungarians. Hungary, on the other hand, is fighting to clear the obstacles that have led to the decline in the birth rate, he said.

Orbán said the West’s intention of “forcing their migration policies onto Hungary” could be chalked up to “Western arrogance”.

“The West isn’t happy just being successful, they also insist that they are correct,” the prime minister said. “It’s not enough for them that they’re free and get to live how they want and enact decisions their peoples want; they also want everyone else to acknowledge that their decision is the only right one and to adopt it. So they want to tell us how to live.”

Brutal video shows how migrants attack the Hungarian border fence

Orbán said that though Germany was a friend of Hungary, when it came to the issue of migration it wanted to put in place a “German Europe where they get to say what Europe should be like”. But Hungary is resisting this, the prime minister said, noting that 12 countries had written a joint letter on steps Europe should take to protect its external borders instead of introducing mandatory migrant resettlement quotas, he said.

“The borders can’t be protected with flower bouquets, teddy bears and welcoming committees,”

Orban said. “Migrants who storm the border and try to breach the border fence must be stopped.”

Airport road construction
Read alsoThe Budapest Airport road renovation has begun

Brutal video shows how migrants attack the Hungarian border fence

The official Facebook-page of the Hungarian government posted a video today about how groups of migrants attacked the border fence with rocks and sticks on October 5. Check it out below. Meanwhile, the speaker of the House said that Hungary protects Europe with the fence built in 2015.
Hungary-Lithuania parliamentary ties, the coronavirus pandemic, security policy, and the handling of the migration crisis were high on the agenda of talks House Speaker László Kövér had with his Lithuanian counterpart and other officials in Vilnius on Thursday – the MTI reported.
According to information from the Hungarian parliament’s press office, Kövér thanked his negotiating partners for Lithuania’s support for Hungary “against groundless attacks at international forums”.

Kövér visited Vilnius at the invitation of Viktorija Cmilyte Nielsen, Lithuania’s parliamentary speaker, and met with President Gitanas Nauseda, Laurynas Kasciunas, head of the Lithuanian-Hungarian Friendship Group in the Lithuanian parliament, Zygimantas Pavilionis, the head of the Lithuanian parliament’s foreign affairs committee, as well as Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite.

During his talks, Kövér noted
global challenges such as climate change, illegal migration and the threat posed by the appearance of new viruses, and said that “as the future of our nations, national identity and sovereignty,
we must stand up for the values we deem important”.

Parties at the talks voiced hope that the two countries could further increase bilateral trade and strengthen their cooperation in areas such as laser technology, tourism, and education, said a statement from parliament’s press chief.
The Lithuanian president thanked Kövér for
Hungary’s assistance to Lithuania’s air space control
and contribution to efforts aimed at stemming illegal migration as well as fencing off a hybrid attack at the Lithuania-Belarus border, the statement said.

At his talks with the president, Kövér assured Nauseda of Hungary’s solidarity because “when we help you we also protect ourselves, protecting not only our national borders but guarding Europe’s security, too”.
Migration was also in the focus of talks with the interior minister,
who thanked Kövér for the political and material assistance in border protection, and said that the migratory situation in Lithuania was now similar to that in Hungary in 2015.

Afghan refugee
Read alsoAfghan refugees received a residence permit in Hungary

Afghan refugees received a residence permit in Hungary

Afghan refugee

For the time being, Afghans who have been refugees to Hungary have not been granted refugee status but only a residence permit. The Directorate General of Immigration has judged the applications in recent days.

According to RTL News, 455 Afghan citizens who had previously cooperated with NATO and Hungarian organisations arrived. Afghan citizens arriving here will be provided with food and accommodation for three months. Their health care has been provided in Hungary for a year and a half.

“455 Afghans could later be granted refugee status,” quotes Gergely Gulyás Chancellor. The law enforcement organisation of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee believes that they have yet only received a residence permit. This is only valid for three months. However, there are many questions. Gábor Győző, a lawyer of the Hungarian Helsinki Committee, said that, for example, the question of whether the Afghans who came here could take a job in Hungary is not clear.

The Hungarian government has not yet responded to RTL News about what is happening to Afghan citizens after three months. The Hungarian prime minister spoke about the refugees whose lives were in danger in Afghanistan, on Saturday. Viktor Orbán gave an interview to the Czech daily Lidové Noviny.

“The European Union does not have to accept Afghan migrants. They have to stay there in their region,”

said the Hungarian Prime Minister. According to Orbán, the solution is to help the region’s countries cope with the burden of those coming from Afghanistan. He added that, if the Germans wanted this, Hungary would be happy to open a corridor through which Afghan migrants could get to Germany.

The European Union wants the Member States to take in refugees. They envisage this on a voluntary basis, within the framework of the International Inclusion Program. According to foreign expert Botond Feledy, there would be about 30,000 refugees, which is a negligible number compared to the year 2015.

PM Orbán: Hungary received very little money from Brussels for border protection

 “We are living in an age full of dangers, and as we face migration, we need an effective, well-functioning army because we would not be able to protect our borders without the soldiers”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told public broadcaster Kossuth Rádió on Friday morning. He added that Hungary had received very little money from Brussels for border protection.
Regarding the gas deal signed with Russia’s Gazprom earlier this week, Orbán praised the foreign ministry and the negotiating delegation for achieving lower prices than those in the previous contract of 1995. Orbán also lauded the “fairness” of the Russian partners in “concluding an agreement worthy of reliable partners who respect each other’s interests”.
“The truth is we need gas, and issues of energy supply and energy security should not be conflated with political criticism against Russia,”
he said.
Regarding Ukraine’s statements that Hungary was violating the Hungarian-Ukrainian intergovernmental treaty by agreeing to delivery routes shunning Ukraine, Orbán said Hungary could “unfortunately” not take those protests into account. “I respect Ukraine and wish the Ukrainian people much success, but as regards the matter of gas, we have to consider the intersts of Hungarians rather than Ukrainians,” he said.
Concerning yesterday’s cabinet meeting focusing on Hungary’s defence industry developments at a military base in Hajmáskér, in western Hungary, Orbán said it reviewed defence industry development and
the army’s technological development,
as well as the situation of the recruitment, training and supplies of troops. Decisions on further military developments in 2022 were also made, he said.
In connection with the coronavirus pandemic in Hungary, the prime minister said the government had prepared for a fourth wave, noting that the country has 17 million doses of vaccines on stock. He asked Hungarians to get inoculated, stressing that herd immunity was not an option with “this type of virus – it will seek out those who are not vaccinated”. “The risk is in being unvaccinated, not in getting a jab,” Orbán said.
When coming to power in 2010, the Fidesz-Christian Democrat government had to scrap that practice and fight international companies and Brussels to freeze utility prices, Orbán said. “This is how we got to a point where our household gas prices are the cheapest in the European Union, and household electricity prices the second cheapest,” he said. Hungary has achieved all this without having its own energy resources, he noted.
“Meanwhile, Western Europe is seeing price hikes we couldn’t imagine,”
he said.
Viktor Orbán government
Read alsoPM Orbán promises 222 EUR for each pensioner before the 2022 elections

Number of illegal migrants caught at the Hungarian borders reaches record high

Illegal Migrants at Hungarian Borders

On Friday, 750 people were arrested for illegally crossing Hungary’s border. This is a record high this year, the prime minister’s chief domestic security adviser told public new channel M1 on Saturday.

György Bakondi said the number of illegal migrants caught by the authorities had reached 80,000 this year, and close to 780 human smugglers were also apprehended. Both numbers increased significantly from a year earlier.

He noted that there had been an unprecedented migration pressure in 2015, when it had not been uncommon for 3,000-4,000 illegal migrants being apprehended in a day.

This is what European governments are trying to avoid now but the opinion of the European Union’s parliament and bureaucracy still fails to “resonate” with this, Bakondi said. He cited statements by EU officials that immigrants from Afghanistan should be received and legalised and that Europe is in great need of immigrant workforce.

Minister’s speech in the UN: Hungary will reject any kind of migrant quota systems

This sounds like a “letter of invitation” to those weighing their options in Afghanistan now, Bakondi said, adding that there are more and more people who claim to be Afghan when they are arrested.

A group of 51 illegal migrants were apprehended by police and soldiers on the outskirts of Szeged (S Hungary) on Sunday, police said on their website. Members of the group claimed to be Syrian and Somali nationals.

Read alsoAfghanistan situation threatening with new migration wave, says Hungarian FM in NY

More than 73 thousand illegal migrants wanted to breach the border fence this year!


This year has seen a big rise in the number of border violators caught by the authorities, with an increasing number of Afghan citizens among them and intensifying activity on the part of human smugglers, György Bakondi, the prime minister’s domestic security chief, told a press conference at the Röszke border station, in southern Hungary, on Wednesday.

By mid-September this year 73,617 arrests were made as against 21,992 in the same period last year, he said, adding that 719 human smugglers have been prosecuted this year, up from 274 last year. Zoltán Kovács, state secretary for international communications and relations, noted that

six years ago hundreds of migrants attempted to break through the border while hurling rocks at police.

Because attempts were being made in the European Union to continue managing migration instead of stopping it, he added, external pressure on borders was now as great as it had been then.

Bakondi said politicians all over Europe were saying the events of 2015 must not be repeated. He added that Hungary’s position was clear: the border must be protected, migration must be stopped, and nation states were responsible for asylum processes. Further, troubles must be dealt with at the location they arise, he said. He said the decision to build fences on the Hungary-Serbia and Hungary-Croatia borders had been important, and he noted Hungary’s declaration of Serbia as a safe third country, the establishment of transit zones, its declaration of a crisis caused by mass immigration and its decision to
send a large police and military force to the border.
Thanks to these measures, the number of border violators steadily decreased until 2018, he said, noting that over the span of six years since 2015, more than 591,000 border violators and 3,027 human smugglers have been caught, 211,000 refugee applications processed, with 2,837 refugees receiving international protection.
Also, 67 tunnels under the border were discovered,
though 32 were only partially completed, he said. Ten cases of violence were recorded at the border as migrants typically threw rocks at police officers and soldiers, while equipment was also damaged, he added. Kovács said migration was high on the agenda of a recent joint Hungarian-Serbian government session, and it will figure among the topics to be discussed at a meeting of the ruling Fidesz parliamentary group later today.

Serbian PM praises cooperation with Hungary as ‘extremely successful’


Serbia and Hungary have developed a highly successful cooperation over the past seven years, Ana Brnabic, the Serbian prime minister, said in Budapest on Wednesday, after meeting Viktor Orbán, his Hungarian counterpart.

Speaking at a joint press conference, Brnabic called the bilateral agreement concluded on strategic partnership “a pinnacle of cooperation” since the first Hungarian-Serbian joint government meeting held in 2014. The partnership agreement, and several other bilateral agreements signed today, are results of that cooperation,

confirming Serbia’s commitment to strengthening relations and deepening friendship with Hungary.

 Brnabic thanked Hungary for its support to Serbia’s prospective EU integration. She noted a separate agreement signed at today’s meeting on Hungary sharing expertise in the progress.



Speaking about economic ties, Brnabic noted that Hungary is Serbia’s third most important business partner and is seen to become number two with bilateral trade continuing to rise. She highlighted joint infrastructural projects that reflect “a high level of mutual trust”.

Brnabic also thanked Orbán for his support to Hungary’s Serbian community, and confirmed Serbia’s support to its Hungarian community.


Budapest summit: Hungary and Serbia will protect Europe! – UPDATED

Hungary and Serbia will join forces to stop potential migration waves and so protect Europe, including Germany, where many of the migrants are headed, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Wednesday, after talks with his Serbian counterpart, Ana Brnabic. Orbán told the joint press conference after the meeting that Europe had to be protected from
a new wave of possibly millions of people heading towards Europe
in the wake of “the US failure in Afghanistan”.
Should the migrants choose to travel by land, Serbia and Hungary will find themselves in a very difficult situation, he said.
“Governments, NGOs and Soros organisations previously in favour of migration” are now clearly just as ready to support migration from Afghanistan,
Orbán said. This, however, is diametrically opposed to Hungary and Serbia’s interests, he said.

Serbia’s European Union membership is key to the bloc’s safety, he said. “We are protecting Hungary and Serbia, we are protecting ourselves but we all know these migrants do not want to live here, they are on their way to Germany. So when we protect ourselves, we are also protecting Europe, including Germany, as we did so many times over the centuries. This is true even if we get no appreciation, let alone gratitude,” he said.
Answering a question, Orbán said migration pressure is expected to grow, since “there are already around 4 million internally displaced people in Afghanistan”. “If this crowd finds a way out and leaves, they will make their way through Turkey to the region of Hungary and Serbia,” he said. The two countries will have to
strengthen their southernmost defence lines
to stop migration, Orban said. At the same time, “Germany’s stance, whether they want migration to be stopped or want to open a humanitarian corridor, remains to be seen.”

“History has shown that we were never given help but rather designated as a bumper zone when internal regions of Europe were threatened and we had to protect Europe,” Orban said. “They continued that practice for centuries. I can’t see any sign of that approach changing,” he said. Orbán insisted that
Hungary had protected Germany in the 2015 migration crisis
“while the Germans continued to stab us in the back, in the rule of law procedure as well as on the issue of erecting a border fence”. “We can only count on ourselves but we are strong enough to face that challenge,” he said.

“In no way will they make a refugee camp out of Hungary or Serbia. In no way will they set up hotspots here. In no way will security issues sideline economic development, we simply can’t afford that,” he said. The strategic partnership agreement the two prime ministers signed ahead of the press conference are seen as long-term commitment in Hungary, Orbán said,
“a strategic agreement of friendship and partnership that will be a secure point
in the ever-changing waters of foreign policy in the coming decades.”

The agreement focuses on the economy, with connections — border crossings, economic ties, border control, road, railway links and river transport — in the spotlight, he said.
The reconstruction of the Budapest-Belgrade railway line will be completed by 2025,
creating a transport route through Serbia and Hungary for goods from Greek ports to the west and vice versa, he said.

Orbán noted the growing cargo traffic at the border crossings between the two countries. The Röszke-Horgos and Tompa-Kelebija (Kelebia) crossings will undergo major reconstruction to increase their capacity by the end of 2022, and the government is looking into opening the crossing at Hercegszanto-Backi Breg (Bereg) for cargo traffic, he said.

Regarding energy cooperation, Orbán said the interconnector allowing the transport of 8.5 billion cubic meters of liquid natural gas to Hungary annually was of “strategic importance” for the country’s energy security. Besides the agreement signed by the heads of government, Hungarian and Serbian ministers signed agreements on cooperation in agriculture, economy,
joint border patrols,
hovercraft services between the two capitals and other projects.

Hungarian Govt extends “state of crisis” due to recent upsurge of illegal migrants

Hungary Border Fence Migration Illegal

The government has decided to extend by six months the “state of crisis” in connection with mass migration due to the growing migration pressure on the Hungarian border and an anticipated new wave of migrants triggered by the developments in Afghanistan, the Government Information Centre (KTK) said on Friday.

The KTK said in a statement that migration towards Europe was picking up both on land and sea, with the number of illegal border crossing attempts increasing on the Hungarian border as well.

The Hungarian authorities have apprehended more than 60,000 illegal migrants at the border so far this year, more than triple the number caught in the first eight months of 2020, the statement added.

Police have been apprehending 300 migrants a day on average in the recent period, the KTK said, adding that migrants stranded on the Balkan migration route were making more and more attempts to enter the country forcefully and “regularly attack the police officers protecting the border”.

More than a dozen tunnels have been discovered on the southern border this year alone, they said, adding that the number of people smugglers caught by the authorities had also tripled compared with last year.

The KTK said that “economic problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the developments in Afghanistan will trigger a new migration wave which will lend an opportunity for Islamic extremists to make their way into the heart of Europe”.

The KTK concluded its statement by saying that the Hungarian government was sticking to its “open and unambiguous” migration policy. Hungary will maintain its fence along its southern border and continue to provide border protection, the statement said.

Also, the government will stand firm in its opposition to the resettlement of migrants and will continue to represent the position that Europe and Hungary must be protected against mass migration, the KTK added.

The government decree on the extended state of crisis will soon be published in the official gazette Magyar Közlöny.

The state of crisis was first introduced in March 2016 and has been extended several times.

Menekült Migrant Illegal Migration Human Trafficking
Read alsoAustrian politician blames Hungary for illegal migration?

Austrian politician blames Hungary for illegal migration?

Menekült Migrant Illegal Migration Human Trafficking

Austrian Minister of the Interior Karl Nehammer blamed Hungarian border control officers for the many unidentified migrants. From his standpoint, Hungary should act according to the European Union’s law and defend the borders more effectively.

Unfortunately, the job of border control officers is really difficult. At the Schengen outer borders, officers had to deal with 53,297 cases this year, while in 2020, the number of cases where interference was necessary was only 17,442 in the same period of time.

“The direct reason for the migratory pressure is that Greece transported tens of thousands of refugees from the camps on the islands to the mainland, most of who are headed towards Hungary on the Western Balkans route,” quotes the police.

Austrian politician Roland Fürst has data on the migration issue, indicating that this year, 8,000 people crossed the Austrian-Hungarian border illegally, out of which 20% are Afghans.

90% of Afghan migrants are men. 90% of those who asked for residency permits but were denied are still in the country.

hungary border fence migration
Read alsoHungary’s immigration law enforcement strictest in the EU?

The Hungarian police said that the migratory pressure at the southern border is huge.

Kronen Zeitiung quoted the

Interior Minister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), who said that “There are a lot of migrants here, nobody knows who they are. Hungary cannot allow that to happen. They have to adhere to EU law and protect their external borders more efficiently.”

He then went on to add that the European Union is “sending the wrong signals” regarding the current migration policy, and since the EU does not react, Austria must “lead the fight against the illegal smugglers who are repeatedly endangering people’s lives.”

The Hungarian police posted a video about their press conference, and on their official website, they also posted a graphic video about the migration issue.

Hungary migration border
Read alsoIllegal migrants and guest workers overruning the Southern borders!

Featured image: MTI/Mihádák Zoltán