The new Parliament is formed in Hungary – UPDATE

Hungary’s lawmakers took their oaths on Monday at the start of the new parliamentary cycle.
The ruling Fidesz-Christian Democrat alliance has 135 seats in parliament, the Democratic Coalition has 15 seats, while Jobbik, Momentum and the Socialists have 10 each. The radical Mi Hazánk (Our Homeland) party, which passed the parliamentary threshold for the first time in 2022, has garnered six mandates, as did Párbeszéd. The green LMP party has five seats. The German minority has one seat, and one lawmaker is expected to sit in the 199-member parliament as an independent.
The new parliament’s inaugural session was opened by President János Áder.
Journalists and guests were allowed into Parliament amid tight security measures.
Lawmakers of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) and Momentum parties left the session immediately after the oath-taking ceremony.
Momentum said on Facebook ahead of the session that its lawmakers had taken an “alternative oath” to serve the “entire society rather than a small privileged elite.”
Ákos Hadházy, who has won a mandate as an independent, did not appear at the ceremony, and is not yet entitled to exercise his rights as a lawmaker.
A body comprising the oldest and youngest members of parliament has found all mandates complies with regulations.
Parliament then certified the mandates unanimously, with 196 votes in favour.
Read this news in Hungarian here: Megalakult az új Országgyűlés | Helló Magyar
Read more news about 2022 Hungarian parliamentary election
Máté Kocsis, the group leader of ruling Fidesz, reacting to the walk-out by DK and Momentum lawmakers, said
parliament was their “workplace” and they must take their work as seriously as they would in any other workplace.
The work of a lawmaker is regulated by the Hungarian constitution and parliamentary law, Kocsis said on Facebook, adding that a lawmaker who disregards the law and only cares about being paid is unworthy of his or her parliamentary position.
Source: MTI
Nice to see that corruption and nepotism is ushered in again with a fancy ceremony. Next time your pocket in Budapest is picked by a pickpocket, have a party and rejoice!