Did you know? There is a common Hungarian word that will make every Englishman and American blush

This Hungarian word will make English speakers blush. How can Hungarians say such a thing in public?

Promotions wrote that there is often a great deal of confusion when first hearing a foreign language, which you do not speak a word of. When we first encounter a new language, we usually try to associate some words with the language spoken by us. Sometimes, these words might mean the same thing, but they can be completely misleading too. There is no doubt about Hungarian being a very intricate and beautiful language. According to experts, it is one of the hardest languages to learn in the world. Foreigners might think that it sounds a bit odd, yet charming.

The confusing Hungarian word

Foreigners tend to note that there is a word that Hungarians use quite often and it sounds like something that you would not say in public. Of course, this word is completely innocent, it is used for greeting friends and such. To English speakers, it is funny as it sounds like an intimate English word. The famous American comedian Russell Peters also mentioned this during one of his stand-up performances. He asked the audience if there was anyone who was Hungarian. A girl came forward, and the comedian asked her how to say “kiss” in Hungarian. She answered “csók” first, but that was not the answer the comedian was looking for. Although, the word “csók” sounds like “choke” which can be funny in certain situations.

Then the girl said the other Hungarian word for “kiss” which is “puszi”. The crowd instantly burst into laughter. The word is pronounced as “pussy”. It is quite funny to imagine Hungarians saying “puszi-puszi” to their mothers on the phone when saying goodbye. However, it is just an innocent word that has nothing to do with ladyparts. You can see an example of this in the video down below:

Further misleading words

Many foreigners think that the Hungarian way of saying hi, “szia”, sounds similar to “See ya”. This might not be as misleading, as their meanings are not completely different. However, “fák” meaning trees, sounds like the most common English swearword. “Fakanál”, the big wooden spoon that Hungarians use to stir their food sounds even worse than “fák”…

However, there are English words that can be misleading to Hungarians as well. The most common word is “cookie” which sounds like “kuki”, a Hungarian slang for male genitalia. The popular name “Billy” is pronounced similarly to “bili”, which means chamberpot in Hungarian. Even the name of the former US President, Barack Obama, is funny for Hungarians. In Hungarian “barack” literally translates as “peach”.

Have you ever encountered such words while visiting Hungary? Let us know in the comments!



  1. Cheese in Hungarian is funny. With an Irish english accent the hungarian word for cheese means something you would do on the toilet aka No2… 😉

    As well as trees and chair when said one after the other in hungarian. 😉

  2. English speaking people with a speech impediment called a LISP, laughable when they say ;
    – did you see that truck ?
    Truck comes out – use one’s imagination as to what it sounds like.

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