
Not enough doctors in the Saint Margaret Hospital: standby duty ordered


Labour shortage is severe in the Hungarian hospitals and the summer holiday even worsens the situation. For example, in the Saint Margaret Hospital (Budapest), there are no gastroenterologists, so the director ordered standby duty in order to provide service for patients having acute haematemesis or internal haemorrhaging.

According to the letter written by the hospital’s director, since there are no gastroenterologists in the institution at present, they are going to introduce a new policy for patients with acute haematemesis or internal haemorrhaging – reported. This is because even though it is not among the duties of the hospital to provide care for such patients, but there can be problems with those already being cured in the institution.

Based on the new policy, in those cases when there is a suspicion of haematemesis or internal haemorrhaging and the patient is moveable, they

should be transported to the Honvédkórház

(Hungarian Armed Forces Medical Centre – Budapest). In cases when the situation is so bad that the patient cannot be moved, stabilisation is the duty of the physician in attendance. Provided that there is a need for surgery, the Department of Surgery should be informed. After the patient is stabilised, they should be transported to the Honvédkórház.

If the internal bleeding has to be stopped in the Saint Margaret Hospital, the physician in attendance

has to summon gastroenterologist as soon as possible. wrote its questions regarding the issue a week before to the hospital, and the institution answered that in their name the National Healthcare Services Center would answer. However, nothing happened, so they published their article.

Henceforward, the director of the hospital, Szabolcs Badacsonyi, replied. He wrote that even though it is not among their tasks to provide care for patients with acute haematemesis or internal haemorrhaging, they have been organizing a standby duty for years. He wrote his letter only to make it clear what the task of each department is in a vis maior situation.

According to him, though

the number of gastroenterologists working in the hospital has recently decreased

they still have five with a bar exam, and there are three residents, as well. At fall, two more specialists are planned to come so they will be able to provide care for their patients.

Mr Badacsonyi said that the colleague of theirs who turned to the media with his letter misunderstood its content or interpreted it deliberately false. 

Labour shortage is present in almost every sector of the Hungarian economy. If you want to read about the only place in Békés county where there is inpatient dermatology, but it closed for two weeks because the only doctor went on holiday and it cannot operate with only two resident physicians, click HERE.

HERE you can find a general article about the labour shortage in the Hungarian health-care sector.

Cancer patients wait weeks because of hospital’s broken CT scan machine

bajcsy hospital

There are some patients who have been given five appointments but have still not been examined. The hospital announced its machine being broken weeks later to the public health centre.

Cancer patients have to wait weeks for examinations at the Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital in Budapest because the CT scan is broken, but it was only announced later to the public health centre, reported based on RTL Híradó.

An avid watcher of the news wrote to them that an acquaintance of theirs had been at the institution’s neurological department for three weeks because of a stroke. They could not do the CT scan which was scheduled for last Wednesday because the machine did not work.

Employees of RTL Híradó then went to the hospital with hidden cameras. First, they said at the diagnostic centre that there are no disruptions but later admitted to the CT machine being broken, which prevented them from examining cancer patients.

“There are cancer patients here, who have been waiting for an examination for a week and a half, even with appointments. We have to provide places for them, but the CT is not working,” said one of the assistants.

One of the patients in the waiting room said that he had got five appointments so far, but the examination has still not happened.

Cancer patients are crammed into a narrow hallway for hours, read more HERE.

There are 42 CT machines in Budapest. 36 of them are there to do state-financed examinations.

Patients of Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital, however, have not been redirected to any other facilities, and the hospital did not even report the malfunction of the machine for a long while.

Authorities stated to RTL Híradó that the hospital reported the malfunction on August 1st, and the transferring of patients was immediately started.

According to RTL Híradó’s information, the machine has now been fixed.









Unbearable tropical climate rules in Hungarian hospitals

surgery, hospital, doctors

33% of surgery rooms, 41% of intensive rooms, and 98% of sick-bay rooms have no air-conditioning in Hungarian medical institutions. 

Népszava reported that many hospitals across the country struggle with the problem of no air-conditioning. Out of 108 hospitals that were asked whether it was a problem or not, 46 answered. 67% of these hospitals have air-conditioned surgery rooms, and 59% of the intensive rooms also provide cool air for sick people.

On the other hand, only 2% of sick-bays have air conditioning, and 9% of ambulant rooms.

Not only the absence of air-conditioning is a huge problem, but also the machines’ conditions in institutions where they are regularly operated. 2/3 of these machines are in severe condition, and many hospitals do not have enough financial support to purchase new ones. Many of these institutions can only install new machines if they had the electric system of the building changed.

Many believe that an acceptable temperature is not only necessary for patients but hospital workers as well. Furthermore, above 30 degrees Celsius, the risk of infection is likelier than in normal conditions. Because of this factor, patients cannot be treated safely in Hungarian hospitals

According to the government, they can only solve this problem by next summer. They also reported that all hospitals should request financial support if they do not have enough to buy air-conditioning for themselves. Several hospital workers expressed their concerns about the unbearable conditions. Many of them reported that the heat makes it harder to perform surgery because there is not enough fresh air, and opening a window is not an option due to hospital regulations.

One of them also stated that if the surgery is not a matter of life and death, they postpone it till autumn.

One institution in Békés County even closed because of labour shortage. CLICK HERE to find out more. 








Cancer patients crammed into narrow hallway for hours

cancer patients waiting in narrow hallway

Because of disorganisation, the lack of information and the absence of clear rules, there are horrible conditions at the National Oncological Institute. Patients awaiting chemotherapy queue in a narrow hallway from 5 AM, so they can get a waiting ticket at 7 AM for that day’s examinations. The patients decided to take matters into their own hands; they distributed home-made waiting tickets.

The patients kept pouring in in the early morning hours, they could only sit down on the steps of the stairs, despite them being in pain, or hand to stand for hours and hours. At 6 AM there were already 25 people waiting in line, but according to them, there have been instances when twice as many were there, reported Index. One of the patients said: “Patients are on the edge of fainting, standing like herrings.”

Although in the waiting room of the “B” Medical-Oncological and Clinical Pharmacologic Department there are seats, they only let patients in there after 7 AM, until then the door is locked. Patients get their waiting ticket in front of the doctors’ offices. Then they can register to the hospital’s system with their social security number at 7:30 AM, they get their lab results and can go to examination with their waiting ticket numbers. This is where they determine if more chemotherapy is needed. Consultation hours only last until 3 PM, if someone gets there late, they have no chance of getting treated that day.

“There should be a d*mn serial number machine; they would be the solution!” An older man in the hallway said, and everyone else seemed to agree. Another patient thinks that sitting on the stairs could be solved if cleaning was done earlier, or after 3 PM, so they could wait in the waiting room.

According to sources, circumstances have been like this for a year now.

As the hospital does not provide proper conditions, does not lead the patients, does not have a serial number machine, or a system that is clear for everyone, patients have been left to try and solve the situation on their own.

  • On a regular day, people start queuing at 5 AM in the hallway.
  • Here, a patient, who has been going there for a long time, starts handing out hand-made waiting ticket numbers, these serve to be exchanged for actual serial numbers later. There was a conflict because of the home-made tickets, as a patient who arrived later complained that they are not official.
  • The waiting room is only opened at 7 AM, until then, it is supposedly being cleaned. At 7 AM, patients swarm the waiting room, to get a new serial number from the ones placed in front of the consultation rooms. Older patients also know that there is no number 2 because the ticket with that number on has gone missing from the official figures.
  • Once they have their numbers, they head to the patient registration counter. They register here with their social security number, then go back to the waiting room. From then on, they are supposedly called in by the waiting ticket’s number.

On Wednesday, there was a plot twist; the system had been changed, without anyone knowing. Patients were surprised to find no waiting tickets in their usual place. There were about 40-50 unsure patients waiting, not having a single clue what would happen. Eventually, they found out that every patient has to start by registering, and they would then get a number.

The hospital made no effort to let the patients know beforehand, they did not write it on the door, and no one went up to them to explain the new system.

The patients found out after half an hour of waiting, feeling helpless and hearing many, different rumours.

And those who were only just arriving knew even less, and it was only 7:30 in the morning.

A doctor confirmed that the system had been changed because many serial numbers had been taken or gone missing. Some patients were happy about the new system, while others were angry about getting up and going there early in the morning for nothing.

Health-care facilities are understaffed in Hungary, read more HERE.

Labour shortage: hospital care unit closed because all the doctors are on summer holiday


There is only one place in Békés county where there is inpatient dermatology, but it closed for two weeks because the only doctor went on holiday and it cannot operate with only two resident physicians.

She was lucky to be examined

One of the readers of Népszava named László reported about a case that happened to her mother and which is very typical in the Hungarian health care system. László’s elderly mother wanted to be examined by a dermatologist after pustulates appeared on her arms, so she went to the Pándy Kálmán Hospital in Gyula where there is a dermatology department. However, at the department, she was told that everybody is on holiday, so she was redirected to the emergency department. There she was told to go to the dermatology department of the hospital where she learnt that the only doctor working there is on holiday, but he visits one of his patients every day so

provided that she is lucky enough, she might be examined.

She had luck, and after the medical examination finished, she had to remain in the hospital. 

There she spent two weeks and thanks to the professional treatment she received her condition was improving. Even though she was far from healthy; however, she was told once that she has to go home because the head physician goes on a holiday abroad and the department has to be closed since it cannot operate with only two resident physicians. Though not László’s mother was in the worst condition

everybody was sent home from the department and officially declared to be healthy.

Physicians needed in Hungary

A nurse said later to them that they were sent home because of the sterilisation of the department. László’s mother got an ointment, gloves and instructions on how to salve her arms with it. However, she could not recover even until today.

László said to Népszava that it is hard to understand for him how a full inpatient care unit can close when there is only one of that in the whole county.

Népszava asked the hospital about the issue which did not deny that because of the summer holiday of the only doctor they had to close the dermatology care unit. However, they denied that the inpatient care was suspended in the county.

Népszava reported before that in Mezőberény

a paramedic is a physician in attendance, as well.

The family doctor of Tiszaroff, a small village in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, Gábor Katona, said that such solutions are becoming a more and more common practice because of the severe labour shortage of health professionals.

As we reported before, Hungary struggles a lot with the labour shortage, which affects almost every sector of the economy. In fact, the most problematic sectors are public transport and service, tourism and IT. However, the issue also affects the public sector significantly; for example, there are not enough police officers in the country. To make matters worse, even the shortage of doctors and nurses is getting worse.

Association of Hungarian Doctors: Patients cannot be treated safely in Hungarian hospitals

doctor health hospital sick

Hospitals are unable to guarantee the safe treatment of patients, says the Association of Hungarian Doctors. It is another tell-tale sign of the current state of healthcare in Hungary. understands that the president of the Association of Hungarian Doctors complained about the state of Hungarian hospitals on live TV.

He mentioned that doctors working overtime is not the answer to this issue and expressed his puzzlement as to what the government could be waiting for.

The statement follows months of negotiations that ultimately ended in disappointment: the government refused to raise wages for employees working in healthcare. This stands in contrast to their vow to spend more money on healthcare next year. 

István Éger’s statement fits in the long line of apparent healthcare problems in Hungary: from labour shortage to terrifying rates of lethal infections Hungarian hospitals have been struggling for years to provide adequate services: this happens despite the doctors’ best efforts which often include seriously working overtime.

A state audit recently discovered that Hungarian hospitals are seriously mismanaged financially.

Hungary has the weakest healthcare system in the Central-European region

sad, stressed

According to the number of deaths in the country every year, the number of people with circulatory and digestive system diseases, and residents with tumours and cancer, the situation regarding Hungarian people’s health and the healthcare system is the worst and weakest in the Central-European region.

Népszava reported that after examining the Central-European countries (Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia), it seems that Hungary is the last in almost every healthcare statistical data. The number of Hungarians with chronic diseases rapidly increases day by day. Although the average lifetime a Hungarian resident from the day of birth increased in the last 15–20 years, many of them die in the country before reaching the estimated amount of years.

More than half of the Hungarian nation above fifteen is diagnosed or has been diagnosed with chronic diseases in the last few years. The most common ones are high blood pressure, waist and back pain, and joint diseases. Every eighth people above fifteen suffers from some type of allergy, high cholesterol, and neck pain with heart problems and diabetes.

Is Hungary one of the unhealthiest countries in Europe?

A recent study revealed the health state of the countries in the world. Unfortunately, Central Europe did not do particularly well, and Hungary ended up among the unhealthiest countries.


Besides these common health problems, the number of Hungarian people who commit suicide is the highest in the region.

According to the statistics, the Hungarian government spent 13% less money on the Hungarian healthcare system in 2016 than in 2003. One Hungarian resident spends an estimated 55,000 HUF (164 EUR) on medicines and medical check-ups, and almost the whole amount comes from the individuals’ own pocket. This means that among the Central-European countries, Hungary is the only one where residents pay the most from their own pocket for healthcare services.

Although the Hungarian government started to raise the salary of people working in the healthcare industry, at the same time lowered the amount of support for the country’s medicine supplies.

The Hungarian healthcare system in a tragic situation

The wages in Hungary are continually growing except for two sectors: healthcare and education. In healthcare, salaries only increased by 2.2 pc, which does not reach the annual inflation in Hungary, and the situation is even worse in education.


What is the reason for the rapid emigration in Hungary?

airport travel tourism

It is hard to estimate how many individuals left the country, but the number of people who left is not dramatic just yet, even though statistics revealed that many residents with a university degree started a new life somewhere else. The reason for the labour shortage in the country lies not in the number of emigration but in the operation of the Hungarian economic system.

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Has the emigration in Hungary reached a turning point? [/button]

According to, it is really difficult to estimate a precise number because the trends of emigration change every day. Furthermore, there are people who leave the country but come back after a period of time; their percentage is approximately 50% among emigrants, but this does not mean that they do not go back to the country they have come from. Currently, there is a constant political debate about these people instead of an economic or professional one.

So far, Poland and the Baltic States grew bigger with Hungarian residents, but after the elections, new destinations became popular such as the United Kingdom, Germany and Austria.

Skilled workers usually emigrate to Germany and Austria while people with a university degree continue their studies in the UK. Although many changes happened in the country, the percentage of emigration is still not dramatic; say many experts. On the other hand, the number of emigrated students with a degree is the highest in Hungary among European countries.

What are the reasons behind this phenomenon?

According to many experts, the reasons are definitely not political but are connected to the average salaries and the cost of living in the country. These are, for example, job opportunities, workplaces, and the unseen future combined with the rapid increase of flat prices.

Political problems are stronger motivational factors to emigrate than economic ones.

The emigration process is usually connected to the labour market shortage of a country, but negative economical facts and problems are stronger reasons to influence people. In Hungary, it took a long time to synchronise the salaries with the labour market. Although the emigration of employees strongly influences emigration, the number of people who leave their jobs because of low salaries and the unfriendly environment is a more serious problem.

This phenomenon is the worst in the health sector in Hungary.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Almost 10 thousand nurses disappeared from the Hungarian hospitals [/button]

Budapest’s Honvéd hospital treats wounded Ukrainian soldiers

soldier weapon military

Budapest’s Honvéd hospital has treated wounded Ukrainian soldiers, the commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces Medical Centre said on Friday.

István Kun Szabó told a press conference that Hungary has been helping Ukraine with the treatment of its wounded soldiers since 2014.

Since then, Hungary has provided medical treatment for 39 soldiers, three of whom were discharged on Friday, he said.

Honvéd hospital has treated many wounded soldiers in the past and is ready to keep doing so, Kun Szabó said, adding that many of the hospital’s doctors have military experience.

Liubov Nepop, Ukraine’s ambassador to Hungary, expressed her country’s gratitude to the Hungarian government and the staff of Honved hospital.

She said that with Russian aggression causing more and more casualties and injured soldiers, Ukraine would continue to require Hungary’s help in this area.

Almost 10 thousand nurses disappeared from Hungarian hospitals!

labour shortage nurse

Mostly hospitals in Budapest struggle with the shortage of nurses, and despite measures taken by the government, the problem is far from being solved. Nurse managers say that the shortage could only be reduced by higher wages, scholarships, introducing an employee benefit program and by the re-employment of pensioners.

Instead of the needed growth, the number of nurses decreases

At present, more and more hospitals hire nurses, scrub nurses and surgeon’s mates from employment agencies – Magyar Nemzet reported. For example, the director of Péterfy Hospital in the 7th district, Antal Sásdi, said to the daily that there is a significant shortage of professionals at the department of traumatology. There, they would need 22 people, but they only have 14, and they hire 8 of them from an employment agency. Furthermore, the director added that in the chronic care unit, they have only one nurse for the night shift at a department with 60-70 beds.

Andrea Ficzere, head of the Hungarian Hospital Association, said that despite government efforts, there are not enough nurses in the hospitals. Hanna Páva, deputy director of the National Institute for Health Services, added that there are 108 thousand nurses in the Hungarian health care system. However, their number

decreased by 9,000 between just 2013 and 2018, 

and most of the experienced professionals above 35 left the hospitals. Furthermore, even though more than 50 pc of the nurses graduated in the 1980s and 1990s work in their profession, this rate is only 33 pc in the case of the 2000-2009 generation, and 42 pc among those who finished school between 2010 and 2017. The rest never worked in their profession or already changed their career.

Without more money, a solution is hard to imagine

According to Ms Páva, the shortage of nurses having a secondary education degree and taking care directly of the patients is even more significant. In this category, there were 3,300 open positions in 2017 which number rose to 3,800 by 2018. If nothing happens, there will be 5,800 unfilled positions because of the many retiring nurses by 2021. Apart from Budapest,

the lack of nurses is considerable in Heves, Nógrád and Zala counties as well.

According to Hanna Páva, the introduction of successful scholarships is not enough; further measures have to be taken in order to solve the problem. The head of the Chamber of Hungarian Health Care Professionals added that, at the moment,

32 pc of Hungarian nurses are more than 51 years old, and an additional 35 pc is above 40.

According to a survey conducted by the chamber, the lack of nurses affects every Hungarian hospital. In order to ease the problem, nurses have to work longer hours, and managers have to hire nurses from employment agencies. Nurse managers say that the shortage could only be reduced by higher wages, scholarships, introducing an employee benefit program, and by the re-employment of pensioners.

As we already reported, Hungary struggles a lot with

labour shortage which affects almost every sector of the economy.

In fact, the most problematic sectors are public transport and service, tourism and IT. However, the issue also affects the public sector greatly. For example, a severe shortage of specialised teachers is present throughout Hungary, and in rural areas, more than a third of full-time jobs have not been filled. To make matters worse, even the shortage of doctors and nurses is getting worse.

Hungarian doctor saved a life in Ghana doing the first intradural aneurysm surgery in the country

Ghana surgery Hungarian doctor

Dr István Lázár studied and worked together with a Ghanaian doctor, Alex, in Hungary, and they remained good friends even after the latter returned to Ghana in 2000. Now, a 66-year-old Ghanaian woman can thank her life to their friendship.

A deadly disease

According to Csillagpont Rádió, a radio station in Miskolc, the woman suffered from intradural aneurysm which is very dangerous and requires intervention in two weeks’ time the latest. The disease can remain totally undetected for long years and is an outward bulge, likened to a bubble or balloon, caused by a localised, abnormal, weak spot on a blood vessel wall. Aneurysms are a result of a weakened blood vessel wall and may be a result of a hereditary condition or an acquired disease. This weakened blood vessel can explode because of stress or a sudden physical exertion.

Dr István Lázár, an expert of the problem using a unique surgery method, said that, unfortunately,

20 pc of the patients lose their lives

while the same pc of them have to live with permanent health damages because of intradural aneurysms. The head physician of the Interventional Radiology Department of the Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Hospital said that they were classmates with Alex, a radiologist from Ghana who worked in the hospital until 2000. Then, he returned home to Ghana because of personal reasons, but they kept in touch, and when Alex got married in 2003, István was his best man and vice versa, when István married a year later.

The first intradural aneurysm surgery in Ghana

Alex met a 66-year-old aneurysmatic woman in March in Accra, the capital of Ghana, who asked him whether he knew somebody who could help her. In fact, the woman was the sister of a doctor who studied in Bratislava (Slovakia) before. Then he called István, and this is how the Hungarian head physician travelled to the African country to do the required surgery because such interventions have never happened in Ghana before. Therefore, István said that he had to bring many pieces of special equipment with him, and only after some searching could they find an operating room with a more or less suitable software on its computer.

István added that during the intervention,

he wanted to teach a young local colleague of his.

However, it turned out that it would be so difficult that he did not manage to do so in the end. According to him, the patient is already in good condition; she is now at home.

István said that Alex wanted him to go to Ghana and teach his method to local doctors even before; however, they always waited for optimal circumstances. He also said that he sometimes travels to teach in different countries, but doing surgery in Europe or in Asia requires a lot of paperwork. This is much easier in Africa and, moreover, his friend even knows the minister, which also simplifies things.

István Lázár

became very famous

because of the surgery in Ghana. The following day, he could meet the minister for health, the director of the hospital and the rector of the local medical university, too.

Mystery in Budapest Psychiatry: One patient found suffocated in hospital bed

Hospital Bed

The staff of one of Budapest’s psychiatries woke up on a Thursday morning and saw one of their patients suffocated on the hospital bed. The police arrived at the scene immediately to start the investigation.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Hungarian parents need to sleep on the floor in two children’s hospitals[/button]

“I saw police cars arriving, and the officers headed to the third floor.”

-said one witness to Blikk on the day of the incident. This psychiatry is responsible for many districts of Budapest, and problematic patients arrive almost every day. Most of these people are under the influence of heavy drugs or psychological problems, and that is the reason they behave violently and scream as loud as they can.

Because of their violent and unpredictable behaviour, it is hospital policy to tighten these patients strongly to one side of the hospital bed. Patients with serious conditions even receive tranquilisers and remain under 24-hour supervision.

The same thing happened to this patient who had been tightened to the hospital bed by the arms and legs. The police stated that, allegedly, the patient wanted to get up from the hospital bed and started to move. While moving intensively to get out of the bed, the patient’s head got stuck between the bed’s grates. He/She could not remove it and suffocated during the night. It is unknown whether someone supervised this patient during the night. When the hospital confirmed the patient’s death, several police cars arrived to start the investigation.

The police stated that the case of alleged crime or murder is out of the question.

There are approximately 2 million people in Hungary who should be treated in psychiatric institutions, but only 100,000 patients are registered in these facilities. According to the health law, these patients must be tightened to the hospital beds, but in this case, a doctor or a nurse must supervise them constantly.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Surgery assistant shortage in Hungarian hospital causes cancelled operations[/button]

Many people die in Hungary – a new health programme needed

hospital, death, heatlh, Hungary

Róza Ádány, professor of the faculty of public health at the University of Debrecen, recently reported that, to stop the decreasing demographical rate in Hungary, the newest political programme to increase the number of childbirth in the country is not enough, but another public health programme is needed as soon as possible.

Portfólió reported that, according to the professor, only a country with strong and healthy residents can be economically successful and added that health is not just a factor the government should keep in mind but every individual as well. She added that an essential change in our point of view is also necessary to understand that health is not only “created” by public health services.

“In developed countries, the public health services only influence the nation’s health by 10% with decreasing the number of ‘avoidable deaths’. Moreover, they emphasise that every serious illness can easily be cured with screening examinations.” – reported the professor.

Although the number of deaths in Hungary has been decreasing since 1995, it is still not significant enough. Moreover, recent statistics showed that more people die in Hungary due to circulatory diseases than the European Union average. Also, it is also a common problem that many people die of cancer below 65 years.

Is Hungary one of the unhealthiest countries in Europe?

The government made some progress in the improvement of the public health era in Hungary but this needs to be changed immediately. The Hungarian National Association of Public Health Training and Research Centres created programme strategy for 2018–2030 to improve and change the public health services in Hungary.

This programme was given to the Hungarian government last year.

The programme only can become real if the government accepts it, names tasks and plans for the future and supports it financially. This programme which focuses on real programmes is more beneficial and cheaper than the current one.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] The most incredible scandals of the Hungarian healthcare in 2018[/button]

Surgery assistant shortage in Hungarian hospital causes cancelled operations

surgery operation hospital

On Tuesday morning, operations have been cancelled at Péterfy Street clinic and Jenő Manninger National Institute of Traumatology surgery centre in Budapest (Hungary). The reason was the lack of surgical assistants who are quitting their jobs one after another.

Hungarian news portal 168 óra has reported about the hopeless situation of emergency surgeries in Budapest.

A patient was carried into the operating room on Tuesday morning but was taken out from it without any operations. A family member of the patient asked why the patient cannot be operated; the answer was that surgeon assistants are quitting one after another in the surgery centre.

The patients and their family members best have to try asking surgeons on Wednesday morning, whether the operation could be done or not. – writes the portal.

168 óra also has reported earlier in February that the same institute’s vascular surgery is temporarily closed from 1st of March until 31th of May, due to the lack of vascular surgeons. This does not mean a complete close of vascular surgery though; it means that the clinic does not have permanent vascular surgeons at the time, but in case of urgent operations they can be called in for action.

Last summer we reported that only Bulgaria and Romania have a higher mortality rate in the hospitals of EU countries, than Hungary. Hungarian healthcare suffers from huge labour shortages of nurses, general practitioners and surgeons. The majority of them are overloaded with working hours and/or have a tiny salary.

It is yet unknown how many surgeon assistants are missing from the institution, how did they quit and why so quickly, but labour shortage of Péterfy Street hospital, unfortunately, has been a significant problem in the last years.

Brutally beat up German top manager in Budapest gone through surgery

German manager, beat, Budapest, violence

Daily News Hungary reported before that a 57-year-old prominent German manager was brutally beaten up in one of Budapest’s nightclubs in the city centre and two of his children were pepper sprayed.

Read more here:

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] German top manager was beaten hard in Budapest ‘party district’[/button] reported that since the incident in District 7, a complicated and risky surgery was performed on him as he suffered several severe injuries during the fight with the Hungarian bodyguards.

Zoltán Varga, the lawyer of the manager, reported that several bones in his face broke and he suffered injuries all over his body. Examining his injuries carefully doctors decided that his best chance to recover is performing surgery on him as soon as possible.

“He was operated last week in Germany but he is still recovering from the procedure. After he gathered some strength experts would examine him whether his injuries affect his health in the future.” – said Zoltán Varga

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] How much time do patients wait for surgery in Hungary? [/button]

He added that his client would have had a significant business negotiation but as he is at the hospital he cannot attend. It is not just him who suffered injuries and psychological trauma but his children. Every similar case seriously ruins the reputation of the country.

Unfortunately, incidents against foreigners in Hungary happen at times. It is not unlikely that the bodyguards beat him up because he spoke in German and they heard him.

Index reported that several negative Facebook comments can be read on the place’s official site. Many foreign tourists do not recommend visiting it because:

“The staff is completely out of place and disrespectful. I think they are racists, homophobes, and bad people. […] They are arrogant and think they have the authority to use pepper spray and hit people with no reason.” – wrote one comment.

Authorities requested the videotapes of the nearby security cameras to examine the case. One thing is sure: the German visitors did not attack but the Hungarian security guards.

How much time do patients wait for surgery in Hungary?

surgery, hospital, doctor, hands

Many people wait for different kinds of surgeries in the country. Some of them are regular ones, but there are complicated and dangerous surgical procedures as well. The Tasks of the National Health Insurance Fund of Hungary’s recent statistics and survey revealed that one patient has to wait at least two years for surgery. If someone does not have time to wait there are private clinics and hospitals available, but unfortunately, hardly anybody in Hungary can afford to pay for those.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] British woman dies as a result of plastic surgery in Budapest[/button]

Patients who need a hip replacement have to wait approximately 291 days, and there are 5,153 Hungarian residents on the waiting list, so this time can easily increase – reports Pénzcentrum. This means that the estimated median of these data is 164 days of waiting at least. The least amount of time patients need to wait is 117 days in the southern regions of the country.

The first region on the list is the North-Hungarian with 577 days of waiting.

People with gallstones have to wait approximately 87 days. Many Hungarian patients wait for endoscopy surgeries – to remove gallstones – across the country, at least 750. In the southern regions, the waiting time for this surgery is 19 while in Western-Hungary it can increase until 123 days which can be fatal for patients. If the milestones are removed with the regular surgical procedure, which is a more complicated one, patients wait for an estimated 129 days until the actual procedure.

In the Western-Hungarian region, the situation regarding regular gallstone surgery is the best in the country, only 3 days of waiting. On the contrary, in the North-Hungarian region, people wait for 217 days.

surgery, hospital, doctors

Another common health problem in Hungary are the illnesses and symptoms with the knees. Many people wait for a knee replacement in the country and the waiting period is exactly one year. Approximately 6,021 people need this kind of procedure as soon as possible. In North-Hungary people wait for an average of 646 days for a knee replacement. This is also the region where the most Hungarians die of chronic diseases.

Cataract (clouding in the lens of the eye which leads to a decrease in vision) is a common problem in Hungary for many years. Half of the Hungarian people suffer from this disease and above 75 years more than 70% of the residents which means approximately 1 million Hungarians, but currently, only 11,200 people are on the hospitals’ waiting lists. Patients wait for an average 85 days but in North-Hungary even more, approximately 127 days.

The best solution would be to complete these surgeries in time, but this option is only available at private clinics and hospitals which are highly expensive and not every Hungarian resident can afford it.

A hip replacement costs 5,200 EUR, but there are clinics where this amount of money is double. Knee replacements are also expensive: there are surgeries for 5,200 EUR but even for 6,000 EUR. The most costly knee replacement costs 8,400 EUR. Gallstone and cataract surgeries cost 670 EUR at least.

[button link=”” type=”big” newwindow=”yes”] Plastic surgery of twins joined at the skull completed successfully in Budapest! [/button]

Brutal: German top manager was beaten hard in Budapest ‘party district’

fight beat terminator Budapest

Firstly Hungarian TV channel TV2 News reported that a nightclub’s security guards have beaten a 57-years-old man and pepper sprayed two of his children, in VII. district, Budapest. The victim has prosecuted about the case at the police.

The innocent German man is the top manager at one of Germany’s great car producer companies. He was visiting his two sons in a restaurant in the Hungarian capital city, reported A similar case happened two weeks ago when two drugged men started to fight the innocent crowd in front of a city-centre pub.

The family members were having dinner at a fancy restaurant, which went really well in the beginning.

However, at the end of their dinner, they left the restaurant after paying the receipt, and they thought they had had such a great time that they wanted to return to this restaurant after a couple of hours.

However, at the restaurant’s entrance, something unexplainable happened: bodyguards have not let the three men inside and the parties started to debate. After that, bodyguards have pepper sprayed the two sons, and they began to beat the older brother. The younger one, who is 17, tried to defend his older brother, but he was pepper sprayed, too, and he was kicked and punched by the bodyguards.

During this, their father recorded the fight on his phone, but little after a while, he was hit in the face, too. The German father’s cheekbone and zygoma have even broken.

The beaten man has got into one of the Budapest hospitals, but he purposely went home to Germany, after the accident. At the German hospital, he was told that he needs an operation as soon as possible.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] Details about the child murder case in Szekszárd (18+)[/button]

His lawyer, Dr Zoltán Varga told:

The victim does not have any idea why the bodyguards had attacked the family; they just wanted to have a good time. The father has filed a lawsuit; currently police is investigating the case. What happened was severe bodily harm committed with extreme cruelty by law. – said the German man’s lawyer.

According to Blikk, CCTV on street has recorded the attack. Four men were interrogated so far in the case.

British woman who got paralysed in Hungarian restaurant can now return to her home

#paralyzed #hungarian #restaurant

A British woman with nut allergy got paralysed because of a Hungarian restaurant’s chicken and rice meal in 2014. She has survived but had to get into a wheelchair; she is now unable to speak properly, see and move.

BBC reported that the woman, after five years of medical care in a British hospital, can finally move home to her parents’ house in Westcliff-on-Sea, north-east of London.

#Hungarian #restaurant #allergy #nut #british
Amy May Shead on her birthday with parents,

The accident

A British woman, Amy May Shead, who worked as an online producer for ITV Daytime was on vacation with her friends in Budapest. They went to a restaurant, where, unfortunately, she suffered anaphylactic shock as soon as she had a bite of chicken.

Even though Amy emphasised three times at the restaurant that she is allergic to nut and even though she ordered chicken meal with rice directly from the chef, just a mouthful of chicken was enough to cause her anaphylactic shock and her heart stopped to beat for 6 minutes.

She had a heart attack, and the 6 minutes without her heart beating caused her severe brain damage.

She was immediately treated at Péterfy Hospital a hospital in Budapest, where doctors said her chances to survive was only 30%. Later on, after five years spent in a British hospital, surrounded by nurses 24/7, the thirty-one-year-old Amy May Shead can finally move back to her parents’ home in Westcliff-on-Sea. Since the accident, a campaign called Amy May Trust runs to raise awareness for allergies and to support Amy.

[button link=”” type=”big” color=”red” newwindow=”yes”] The most incredible scandals of the Hungarian healthcare in 2018[/button]

Watch the video below to see Amy with her mother on ‘This Morning’ (the TV program that Amy used to work in earlier):